Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Source of Our Supply

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Broken-hearted people have no hope, and feel helpless, discouraged and in despair. The only way to transcend this sad state of affairs is to humble our self before God.

Once we surrender our circumstances to God and trust in Him to work out everything for our good (Romans 8:28), the peace of God floods our soul and fills us with contentment and hope, regardless of our worldly issues.

God fills us with His Spirit and presence so that we are not alone. We have all the power of the Trinity resident within us. God answers our prayers and reveals the seed for a miracle, which He planted within our current trial.

God is close to the broken-hearted and He gives us special care (Psalm 34:18). He even keeps all of our tears in His unique bottle (Psalm 56:8). His grace makes us sufficient to deal with whatever He allows to come our way.

Our Father enlightens the eyes of our heart in order to help us to understand the hope to which He calls all of His Saints, as well as to realize the depth of riches we receive from our glorious inheritance as His holy people (Ephesians 1:18).

We learn to rejoice in the God of our salvation (Habakkuk 3:18), and to pour out our love to Jesus for paying for us the penalty of our sins. In exchange, He gives us His right-standing with God.

God's Son is our ever-present rock, stronghold, tower and help in every trial. We offer our thanks to Him for all of His blessings, including the incessant trials that He designs to protect us, perfect us and teach us to trust only in Him.

Father God, we find our true, inner peace in the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 16:1). You abundantly bless us through Your consistent and generous supply. You give us peaceful places of rest in the midst of this wicked and perverse world in which we live.

Thank You that we are only passing through this troubled earth, which groans for the revelation of Your Sons (Romans 8:19). We look forward to Your provision for all of our needs now and in eternity. We focus on You, and we delight in Your presence and Your Spirit in our life.

Thought for the Day:
God is our source of supply for the provision of all of our needs - not our mate, siblings, children, vocation, friends, hobbies or bank account.