Saturday, February 17, 2018

Living in Harmony with God's Spirit

Water Falls Surrounding Green Grass during Daytime

When we stop consulting with the Lord concerning His plans for each moment of our day, our schedule can get out of hand. Our soul is scattered in too many directions: we have too much on our mind, our heart is troubled, and our choices are self-defeating (Proverbs 3:5-6).

When this occurs, our first line of defense is the Word of God. From its verses we obtain comfort, direction, encouragement and reasons to praise our God. He is our peace and He breaks down every wall between us and His will (Ephesians 2:14).

We, who are God's treasured creation (Deuteronomy 7:6), find our joy, refuge and hope in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 57:1, 63:7, 91:4). He is impartial, sovereign, and blameless. He daily supplies our needed provisions when we walk in the light of His presence within us (Psalm 89:15).

When we get caught up in our own plans, God patiently waits for us to return to Him. If we linger in this twilight zone of carnality, God faithfully calls us back into harmony with Himself. He will even lovingly discipline us, if we continue in our disobedience (Psalm 23:4).

Trials are not always the result of God disciplining us. Life in this imperfect world provides traumatic circumstances to infiltrate our schedule. If our life is on track with God's will, however, He works out every issue for our benefit (Romans 8:28).

Our belief in Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary's cross, which paid our debt and set us free from the ravages of a life full of debauchery, also provides us with the indwelling Holy Spirit, who guides and comforts us through the trials we experience on this sin-cursed earth.

Father God, thank You that Jesus' death is enough to bring us into Your family as co-heirs with Him for all of eternity. Your mercy and grace comfort us through each trial that we face, and Your love and hope restore our troubled soul during those times that we experience hardships and tribulation (Psalm 23:3).

When we live in harmony with You, You give us green pastures and still waters to luxuriously refresh us and to bountifully provide all of our needs. Even in the valley of the shadow of death, we have nothing to fear, because You abide within us by Your Holy Spirit. Our cup of blessings overflow due to Your abundant goodness to Your Saints. We look forward to dwelling with You in New Jerusalem for eternity (Psalm 23).

Thought for the Day:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end; in fact, they are new every single morning; His faithfulness to His Saints is sure and true, and we hope in Him because He is our provision, our shield and our peace.
- Lamentations 3:22-24