Thursday, February 22, 2018

Totally in Control

Clear Body of Water

As youngsters we trust unconditionally; yet, as life progresses, we experience setbacks and disappointments that erode our confidence and trouble our soul. Therefore, as adults, we keep a close guard in order to retain control over our life.

We struggle to maintain a smooth order in our lifestyle. Crazily, circumstances break out of our little box, which we build to confine and conform life to our will, and it throws us for a loop.

We end up living in stress with wasted time, money and energy used in our struggle to divert catastrophes that occur beyond our control. These unsuccessful attempts either strengthen our resolve to conquer life, or show us our need for a savior.

God alone is able to control the winds, rains, nations and their leaders, and the issues in our own lives. As we walk in sync with His will, our lives are converted and our joy is complete (John 15:11).

Each moment of our life is controlled and guided by God's Spirit (Ephesians 3:16-19, Amplified Bible). Our faithfulness to God increases as our intimacy with God blossoms. He is our example of faithfulness in every way.

There is nothing we need that God is not willing to supply, including our Savior. God became man in the form of Jesus Christ in order to pay our debt for the penalty of our sins.

God is able to make all grace abound to us in our times of need. He softens the blows that the devil uses to punch the life right out of us and He gives us His truth to expose Satan's lies.

He provides us with His universal Body across both the continents and the ages. We are unified with one another by God's Spirit. He is able to make all grace abound to us, and He gives us new mercies every morning.

Father God, thank You for supplying all of our needs through Your glorious riches. You make our heart sing and You set our feet to dancing. We rejoice in the fact that You adopted us into Your Family to live as co-heirs with Jesus throughout eternity.

We want nothing more than to serve in Your Kingdom and to live in the center of Your will. You bring us Your joy and peace through the uncontrollable circumstances of our life and we trust that You will always plant a seed for a miracle in every trial that we will ever experience.

Thought for the Day:
We can be filled through our entire being with all the fullness of God, so that we have the richest measure of His divine presence within us and we become a person wholly filled with God Himself. - Ephesians 3:16