Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Incomprehensible Greatness of our God

Panoramic Photo of Bushes Near Pond

We can join the early Christians in praising God, worshipping Him and blessing His everlasting name each and every day of our life (Psalm145:1-3). His name is worthy of our praise and His greatness is incomprehensible.

Even in our intimate union with the Trinity, our finite mind cannot completely comprehend the greatness of God. We depend on the Trinity for our very existence.

We are limited in our resources; but as authentic Believers, we have access to God's unlimited riches (Philippians 4:19). His multi-faceted nature may seem contradictory to us, but they flow together in His character in perfectly integrated ways.

For instance, mercy and wrath may seem inconsistent when seen from a human standpoint, but when viewed from a spiritual context we see that they meet in the form of justice.

Although God's ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9), and He rarely does things that make human sense, when the dust of our circumstances settles, we get a clearer picture of the fact that temporal issues are of little consequence, because we actually dwell in His eternal world.

No one knows the mind of the Lord (Romans 11:33-34; 1 Corinthians 2:10-11; 1 Timothy 6:13-16); however, Saints of old, such as Moses, had conversations with Him and even changed His mind on certain issues (Exodus 32:7-14).

By God's Spirit, we too enjoy conversations with our Living Lord. We experience His vastness more than we actually understand it. As authentic Believers we reap the merciful blessings that He imparts to us each moment of our life (Job 26:14).

Heavenly Father, our finite minds can never understand the true greatness of Your majesty as well as Your love for us. Our soul hungers after You, and we dedicate our every waking breath to furthering Your Kingdom in this world for Your glory and honor. We spend all of our days motived by our hymns of praise to You for all that You do for us

We impatiently wait for the return of Your Holy Son to take up His throne on this earth; however, until then, we thank You for hearing our cries, lifting us out of the mud and mire of life's slimy pit, setting our feet on solid ground, and putting Your song in our heart and in our mouth (Psalm 40:1-3).

Thought for the Day:
God keeps a record in His books of each of our times of sorrows, and He collects every one of our tears in His bottle; He loves us so much that He laid down His life for us all.
- John 3:16-17; Psalm 56:8