Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Good Marriage - An Environment of Security

assorted petaled flowers centerpiece inside room

It is possible to experience perfect love in our marriage. I am not excluding hassles, irritations and wounds, because as long as we are human, we are hopelessly flawed. We will disappoint each other. However, there is always a way to increase the feelings of love that we enjoy.

This is produced by making our spouse a priority in our life. Our love can forgive a multitude of our mistakes, inadvertent hurts, and deliberate hurtful behavior that we inflict on one another. Affection increases the unity between us, and develops more intimacy of spirit, soul and body.

Each of us has our own special way that we need love to be expressed to us. Some people love gifts, some focused attention, some affirmation, some snuggles and physical intimacy, and some need a combination of two or more of these love styles.

Thankfully, there is a free quiz online and several books that go more into the details of these concepts, because it is advisable for us to be aware of the style by which our spouse actually needs to receive love, and to provide that love for them. 

Feeling secure in our mate's love for us is the most sought after connection in the world. Humans may actually look for this bond outside of our relationship, if our mate does not make the time and the emotional investment in our marriage that provides it for us.

Part of this refuge is to live together with an attitude of compassion, gratitude, forgiveness and patience. We seek God together and grow more in love with each other every day. We spend time together and really listen to one another.

Security also allows us to be honest with our self and one another in a kind and loving fashion. We take ownership of our own failings and we apologize, we quickly pardon offenses, and we encourage each other when we experience discouraging circumstances.

Father God, help us to learn to love each other by daily saying "I love you", giving each other undivided attention, actively listen to the words and body language our mate expresses, spending focused time together, encouraging each other with affirming words, having and holding each other throughout the day, looking into each other's eyes, holding hands, snuggling, easing one another's burdens, serving each other, helping with chores, giving unexpected gifts, going treasure hunting together at thrift stores, remembering special days, giving special gifts that each other mentioned wanting, etc.

Remind us that a good marriage is one that focuses on You and Your will for us as an individual, a mate, a couple, a family, and a vital part of our church family and neighborhood. Teach us how to effectively love one another so that we can create a secure environment for our marriage to flourish, and our individuality to find freedom of expression.

Thought for the Day:
Growth and change is often uncomfortable, but life is more discouraging when we are stuck in a rut; at times, we wonder if living with our mate is worth the effort to climb out of the rut, until we daily commit to building a secure environment for each other, and our love flourishes.