we walk in the Spirit of God on a daily basis, even our marriage improves. We
stop looking at issues from a personal and finite perspective, and are able to
see things more from our spouse's view, as well as God's infinite and spiritual
we ask Him to do so, God will give us a third option to deal with matters about
which we disagree with our spouse. We no longer view our spouse as the
"enemy." Instead, we see them as our partner and companion in life.
stop hurting one another in a negative spiral that eventually causes
bitterness, which pounds the death nail into our relationship. Our
disagreements are not fights to the finish, but discussions meant to resolve
the problems, rather than to get our own way.
to the Holy Spirit's advice helps us to live in unity and love with one
another. We can more easily give forgiveness, and more readily ask for forgiveness
when our words or behavior inflicts pain on our spouse, child, extended family
member, or significant other.
will no longer burden our soul, because less often will we say or do negative
things in the emotions of the moment. Pride or self-preservation is not in
control any more, but humility and compassion dictate our words and behavior.
seeds will also bear healthy fruit in every area of our life. When one person
humbles his/her self, then unconditional love can flourish in our home. We
treat one another with patience, understanding and respect, and they return
this kindness.
is not easy. It takes work from both of us: refocusing, understanding our
partner's point of view, committing to meet each other's needs, learning one
another's love languages, etc. We succeed when we both commit to making our marriage
a good experience.
God, fill us with Your Spirit as we walk together in this uncertain world in
which we live. Teach us to prefer each other and to serve one another with
humility and compassion, rather than to hide behind walls of pride, anger, hyper-sensitivity
and fear. We want a life-long, successful marriage as a testimony to Your love
within us.
us to learn to hear from Your Spirit each moment of the day and to follow Your
guidance in our thoughts, words and deeds. We do not want to neglect our
relationship, or to take one another for granted. Remind us to compliment each
other, encourage one another, and to shower each other with positive attention,
affirmation, time and energy.
for the Day:
life experiences, the way others related to us, and misfortune that we suffered
along life's road, etc. all impact our current thought patterns, emotions,
physical health and behaviors; they impair our ability to give and to receive
love, and they handicap our personal relationships until God's Spirit does a
healing and sanctifying work in our spirit, soul and body.