Thursday, March 26, 2020

Seeds for a Miracle

time lapse photo of falls on forest trees

I often write about the seeds for a miracle that God places in the midst of each of our trials. This is because I started seeing them over and over again in my daily tribulation. Some of these seeds may not be visible to us right now, but they always eventually become event.

Some of them may never be realized until we leave this earth, but they are there nonetheless. Here are a few examples of some of the seeds for miracles that God planted in the midst of my recent trial of a swollen bursa in my knee, and a hairline fracture of my knee cap:

My husband now realizes how much I do for him every day - since he had to do much of it for himself at this time, and he said that he has come to really, really, really appreciate me.

My husband also faithfully served me all through the day in so many ways that he has never had to do before. I get so much more attention from him that I never needed before now. He has come to anticipate my needs, and our pets' needs, and to work them into the schedule of his busy day.

I was loaned a "Cadillac" of wheelchairs - very comfortable and easy to maneuver; and it fits nicely within the walls of our home - even the hallway. He also gave my husband wisdom to build a ramp for us to use on the back porch. These allowed me to easily participate in my normal life's activities without further wounding my knee as it healed.

We learned to do "hard things" that we took for granted before this incident, and that we never would have come to appreciate their absence in our normal life without this temporary loss of my knee's functionability.

I actively look for seeds for a miracle in my trials. This enables me to maintain faith in God's faithfulness regardless of how trying my circumstances may be. What happens in our natural life has repercussions in both the natural and the spiritual realms (1 Corinthians 15:46).

Father God, thank You for teaching me this positive outlook on trials. I rarely get discouraged in tribulation anymore, because my focus is not on the negative issues, but on finding Your positive blessings in each one of them. You do not allow us to experience trials due to vindictiveness or punishment, but to reveal to us Your glory even in the negative aspects of life. You use hardship to sanctify us, to perfect us, and prove to us Your faithfulness in all things.

Help us to rejoice evermore, to pray without ceasing, and to count even the most horrific trials as blessings in disguise (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Remind us not to demand or to beg You to answer our prayers; but, by faith, to thank You for Your answers, even when we see no way for them to happen (Philippians 4:6-8). Remind us to praise You in the bad times, as well as in the good times, because You turn all things around for our good (Romans 8:28).

Thought for the Day:
An unconverted person cannot see and accept the things that come to us from God's Holy Spirit, because they are foolishness to them, and they cannot understand these matters since they are spiritually discerned.
- 1 Corinthians 2:14