Saturday, March 7, 2020

Hanging Out with the Vine

pink flowers on gray ceramic vase

Jesus talked a great deal about us bearing fruit for God's Kingdom. He taught us some valuable spiritual lessons by using this word-picture as an example of our relationship to Himself. First, He made it clear that we bear no fruit apart from Him.

He is the Vine and we are the Branches, and we can only bear fruit as we continue in our relationship with Him. We can do absolutely nothing of any value apart from Him (John 15:4-5). In fact, our connection to Christ is even deeper than we can ever imagine.

God uses the word "abide" to describe our union with the Vine of Christ. Abide has more meaning than to "dwell" or to "live." Abide reminds us to remain, to continue, to stay, to patiently wait, to endure, to continue to exist in, to reside in, to be present, to belong to, to be vested in, to inhabit, to have our home in, and to be a resident in Him.

If we abide in our belief in Him, than He grafts us into the Vine (Romans 11:23). If we keep His commandments, we abide in His love (John 15:10). As we abide in Him, His Spirit abides within us (John 14:16). He provides for us, loves us and cherishes us (John 15:7).

Our faithful abiding in Christ completely influences the amount of fruit we bear. We reap His sure and secure promises as we believe in Him. When we trust God enough to seek His Spirit's guidance, and the truth from His Word, He affirms us and we bear much fruit (2 Corinthians 1: 20-22).

His faithfulness impacts our faith in Him. When we remain in Him as our Vine, we seek Him, listen to Him, and obey His guidance. Understanding God's character allows us to rest in, and to rely on Him alone. He is always caring for us, and providing for us (Jeremiah 11:29).

As the seeds of our faith sprout into new plants in the ministries in which God calls us to participate, according to His prearranged purpose for our life, we have the same passive responsibility: to simply hang out with our eternal Vine, as we abide in Him (Ephesians 2:10).

Father God, thank You for helping us to realize that as we fix our eyes on Jesus - the author and fulfiller of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), and as we seek Him first, He becomes the center of our focus, our balance, our rest, and the supplier of all of our needs (Matthew 6:33). When we abide in Him, we enjoy His presence in our life, and see His goodness displayed throughout our lifetime (1 Samuel 12:16).

You make sure that we reap Your sure and secure promises as we believe in You. When we trust You enough to seek Your Spirit's guidance, and the truth from Your Word, You affirm us and we bear much fruit for Your Kingdom (2 Corinthians 1: 20-22). Our faithful abiding in You completely influences the amount of fruit we bear. We thank You for saving us, filling us with Your presence, and abiding in us.

Thought for the Day:
·       We abide in Christ's teachings (2 John 1:9).
·       When we abide in Him, we walk in the same manner that Jesus did (1 John 2:6).
·       We are His true disciples if we abide in His Word (John 8:31).
·       He chose and appointed us, so that our fruit will abide (John 15:16).
·       Our election in Him abides, if we live for His purpose (Romans 9:11).
·       The goodness of God abides in us, if we do not fall (Romans 11:22).
·       We reap rewards as our fruit abides (1 Corinthians 3:14).
·       Our hope remains as we abide firmly grounded in faith in Him (Colossians 1:23).
·       We have confidence and not shame if we abide in Him until His coming (1 John 2:28).
·       We have the Spirit of God within us, if we abide in Christ (1 John 4:13).