Friday, March 6, 2020

My Favorite Blanket

red rose flowers

Do you have a favorite blanket that comforts you when use it straight out of the dryer? We wrap up in it and it cuddles us. It is warm and inviting no matter what we are going through or what caused our pain and discomfort.

I used my warm blanket along with Brownwood Acres Cherry FLEX LIQUID for 15 years of fibromyalgia and arthritic pain. About an hour later, the intense pain I felt subsided, and I could get up and continue with my chores or my daily schedule of events, until I needed to repeat the process.

Then, I learned about Autoimmune Disorder and the leaky gut. The Lord used Amy Myers, MD to start me on a healing journey through diet changes and herbal supplements. This excursion began when I was 60 years old. I still love to snuggle with my warm blanket, though.

In fact, since moving up north, I sleep under two warm blankets at the same time. I also wrap up in them when I hurt emotionally (my physical pain ended two weeks after I started Dr. Amy's protocol). I envision my blankets as the feathers of God's wings (Psalm 91), protecting me from the hurts of the world.

I spend that hour or so in prayer and praise, until I feel energized to face the rest of my day. We are safe and secure in the everlasting arms of the Lord. His love, peace and joy surround us like a warm blanket (Hebrews 6:19; Deuteronomy 33:27).

The shelter of God's wings is always there for us regardless of our trials. Once His warmth invades the cells of our body or soul, our pain subsides and we feel safe, calm and peaceful. We can snuggle in His soft tenderness, and find comfort and pain resolution as often as we need it, and no matter where we are.

As we come up against trials, insults, hurt feelings, physical mishaps, rejection, turmoil, stress, and the unbearable pain of life all around us, we find refuge under His wings. This helps us to look for the seed for a miracle that God plants in every single event that we experience.

These issues strengthen our character, allow patience to have its perfecting work in us, and cause us to see the proof of our Daddy God's love for us. We mature spiritually, as we grow in our faith in God's faithfulness to us every day of our life (2 Corinthians 12:10; James 1:4; 1 John 4:10; Psalm 36:5).

Father God, thank You for wrapping us up in the warmth of Your love, and for protecting us through every trial, which we ever experience. You make our feet like hind's feet, sure footed through the rocky roads of life (Psalm 18:33). You are our everlasting Father, our comforter and our guide as we traverse the issues of life on this sin-cursed earth. We love You with our whole heart, strength, mind and soul.

Help us to live as a testimony to Your goodness, and to be a light on a hill that draws others to a life in Your love (Matthew 5:14). We want to live in Your perfect plans for our life and to accomplish all that You created us to do in our years on this earth (Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 139). Jesus only lived for 33 years, but He suffered just as we do as He learned obedience to Your will for Him. We glean from His example, and we find our strength in the shadow of Your wings (Psalm 91).

Thought for the Day:
As we fully trust in God with our whole heart - rather than to rely on our human resources and understanding, when we consult Him during each moment of our day, and we completely surrender to His will for us in the good times and the bad, His grace is sufficient for us.
- Proverbs 3:5-6