Friday, March 20, 2020

We Can Stay in Our Comfort Zone

sun light passing through green leafed tree

We can do anything that God asks us to do, because He strengthens us with His power and anointing. We are vulnerable enough to admit our fears, to ask for prayer, and to cooperate with others whom God is calling to serve in the same purpose that He is calling us.

We may never look forward to change, especially as we get older; but when we walk in God's perfect plan for us through the power of His Holy Spirit, adjustments no longer intimidate us. We obey God, even if initially, we do have anxiety or reservations.

A current catch phrase is to "get out of our comfort zone." People use this phrase to intimidate us into functioning in their ministry in which we have no peace from God to serve. We do not need to get out of our comfort zone, however.

If we are willing to cooperate with God's will for our life, He enlarges our comfort zone. There are no surprises, just divine appointments; no roadblocks, just slight detours; and no insecurities, just new experiences.

This way, rather than attempting to get over our fears, we just do His will in His power, even with all of our human inhibitions firmly intact. Over the years, we realize that what used to paralyze us with fear, no longer bothers us.

We learn to trust God through every circumstance, and this new hurdle is not any different than any other race in which He calls us to run. We roll with the punches, cross every bridge, and weather every storm with faith, due to our intimacy with the presence of God in our spirit and soul.

We take His yoke on our shoulders, partnering with Him to carry the heaviest of loads, because His burdens are actually easy and light (Matthew 11:30). We hang out with the Vine as His branches who are created to help Him to bear His fruit through our submission to His will.

We help those in need that He calls us to serve. The darkness all around us will actually be as bright as the noon day sun, because His light in us shines through us (Isaiah 58:10). We sing the new song that He puts in our heart (Psalm 40:3; Isaiah 42:10).

We find our self praising His name each moment of our day. We walk in His Spirit, and we do not fulfill the lusts of our flesh (Galatians 5:15-25, 6:15-23). Our momentary, light affliction produces for us an eternal glory that is far above comparison with what this world has to offer (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Father God, we want to make a difference in our world, to bloom where You plant us, and to ease the burdens in lives all around us. Use us as Your emissaries in this wicked and perverse world, and lead us to those in whom we can actually make a difference. We want to see others come to Jesus as we have, so that they too can experience the depth of Your love and the comfort of Your presence within us.

You are our peace, our joy, our comfort, our eternal Father, our provider, our supply, our guide and our sustainer through every trial we ever experience. You teach us not to fight our circumstances, but to lean into them, and to allow the patience involved in weathering each trial to have its perfecting work in our soul and spirit (Matthew 11:30). You are our Father, and You always know best.

Thought for the Day:
Weeping may endure for a night, but God's joy always comes in the morning; His anger may burn for a moment, but His favor lasts for eternity; therefore, we can trust Him with our life and consult Him for His will for us each moment of every day.
- Psalm 30:5