Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Good Marriage - No Pressure to be Perfect

purple petaled flowers

Realizing that Christ is the only perfect being we will ever meet will take the pressure off our self and our current relationships. This reduces anxiety, insecurity, and expectations. It also helps us to relax, to forgive each other's failings, and to enjoy one another's strengths and unique qualities.

We understand that we will disappoint one another, as well as break promises, fail to give support when needed, make mistakes and have irritating habits. We will not always think in sync, and we will disagree about how to respond to many issues that we face.

However, if we love Jesus more than the people in our life, we can maintain a safe distance in our soul that will prevent us from looking to people to serve as our savior and to meet all of our needs. We will trust in the Lord with our whole heart, which will prevent us from unrealistically expecting too much from others.

As a couple, we pray together about our issues and receive Godly wisdom, inspiration and ideas on how to resolve them. We honor one another as God's children, and we assist one another as members of His Body. We cherish, prefer, respect, honor and serve each other as Christ serves His bride.

We encourage each other to rely on God during trials. We cling to one another during disagreements rather than to view each other as the "enemy." When both of our individual choices are unacceptable, we find a third alternative on which we can both agree.

We realize that God gave us to each other to share our strengths which make up for each other's weaknesses, to serve together in ministry in our local church, and to be a Godly example of a loving married couple to other married couples and to dating couples in our sphere of influence.

Father God, allow our choices to always align with Your Word, Your plan for our life, and Christ's divine character (2 Peter 1:4). Help us to recognize that our mate's perfection is Your job and not ours. We are simply to accept one another with all of our faults and foibles, and to pray for each other as God's Spirit sanctifies our soul - our thoughts, emotions and choices.

Help us to turn over control of our life to You, rather than to attempt to force others to comply with our wishes in order to keep us safe. Remind us to pray for each other daily, to encourage one another, and to submit to Your perfect plans for our life. Thank You for giving us one another and for helping us to support each other through the trials of life, rather than to allow these issues to drive us apart.

Thought for the Day:
Living life through vulnerable dependence on God, rather than on people, will ensure that we can be vulnerable with each other too in order to increase our intimacy with God and our mate with each new day.