Friday, March 13, 2020

Surrendering to God

pink and white rose lot

The world rejects the idea of surrendering. They equate surrender with giving up, with loss or defeat. However, when we surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ we release all the stress and striving in our life. Surrendering means trusting in God alone.

When we enter this phase of spiritual maturity, we stop struggling to live on our own in this hostile environment that we call “life”. Surrender results in our absolute submission to God’s leading for each moment of our day. In return, we receive His multitude of blessings (Job 22:21).

The easiest way to walk in surrender is to start in small increments. We begin by preferring our mate’s needs to our own. We put money in the offering basket that we intended to use for some small luxury. We take food to a sick friend when we prefer to stay home and watch TV. We give the bicycle we rarely use to a family that needs it.

We relinquish our personal freedom and God replaces it with spiritual freedom that is deep and lasting, and sets us free in spirit, body and soul – in our thoughts, choices and emotions. There is no freedom outside of a complete surrender to Christ (Luke 14:33).

We surrender our life to Christ each new morning, giving to Him the issues that weigh us down, seeking His guidance for each moment, and giving Him the glory for everything we accomplish, because without Him we can do nothing of lasting importance (John 15:5).

The areas of our life that we refuse to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ are the venues that imprison us. They are idols that we cherish more than our relationship with our living Lord. These issues and "soul ties" chain us to the corrupt earthly aspects of this life.

However, at salvation, we not only commit our life to Christ, we surrender our works, talents and accomplishments to His Lordship and direction. A committed life may lose its peace and joy, but a surrendered life provides overwhelmingly comforting peace and joy.

When we live in Christ and allow Him to live in and through us, we surrender our old life to live as His new creation for the glory of God (2 Corinthians 5:17). We realize that gaining the world does not satisfy, because we will lose our own soul (Mark 8:36).

Lord Jesus, help us to follow You by completely surrendering our sinful desires, pride and selfishness to You. If we try to preserve our life, we will ultimately lose it; but if we surrender our life to You for Your sake, and give up our plans, goals and ambitions for You, then we will gain a more fulfilling and joy-filled life (Matthew 16:25). Following You give us unending peace and joy (Matthew 16:24-26).

Remind us that humility is the key. When we think that we can accomplish great things for You, we are prideful. When we realize we are nothing, and Christ IN us is everything, then we have the humility that You can use for Your glory. We fail if we work for You through our human effort. Teach us that if we take the focus off “I” and put it on Christ who dwells within us (Galatians 2:20; Philippians 4:13), we succeed, because we do all things through Christ.  

Thought for the Day:
The moments of our life in which we live in surrender to God are more richly experienced and completely fulfilling than any others; the surrendered life is richly full of God’s ultimate joy, peace, fulfillment and abundance, which defy all human reasoning.