Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Good Marriage - Meaningful Ways to Connect

assorted flowers on gray metal bucket

Busyness comes from overly committing to too many activities and events at one time. We find it hard to say, "No" to worthy causes, ministries and requests for help. We see a need and automatically volunteer to meet that need. A worthy attitude, but unwise at best.

When our spouse has the same disposition, we end up as two ships passing in the night. The solution is obvious: pray together, find out what God wants to accomplish through us, our marriage and our family, and join Him. Communicating daily is important in making this happen.

Sometimes, I have to resort to emails in order to connect with my husband. He is so busy with so many endeavors that I forget what I wanted to chat about when we do get a few moments together and alone. Often, we are too busy to even enjoy a meal together.

When we plan our schedules with shared prayer, we can more intimately pray for one another during our times apart; and show interest in each other's endeavors by sending a quick inquiring text, email or phone call; also by tucking a love note in a shirt pocket, purse or briefcase; or by making a point of chatting in person or on the phone during lunchtime each day.

This reminds each of us that we value one another and care about what is important to both of us. Connecting through touch, conversation, shared glances from across the room, playing a family game, planning couple time, and family outings are all vitally important.

When we are both home, we can snuggle on the couch, grab a quick kiss as we pass in the kitchen, do a chore together, work on our laptops side-by-side in the loveseat, hold hands in the retail store or push the cart together, liberally use the words, "I love you only," etc. Looking for meaningful ways to connect each day keeps our love alive.

Father God, remind us not to allow the good things in life to become the enemies of the best things. Give us Your direction, and help us to walk in Your Spirit, rather than doing our own thing. Remind us to flirt with each other after marriage, so we can withstand any temptation that comes from the devil's decoy pursuing one or both of us.

We want to live intentionally, rather than haphazardly, making the most of every minute and situation we can to increase our intimacy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Give us Your ideas on how to achieve this goal. Remind us that sharing time alone together is vitally important to our unity in marriage. Let us exalt You above all else in our life, and to live as a praise to Your name.

Thought for the Day:
Making the decision to initiate the attitude of unconditional love in our marriage will result in multiple blessings which have reoccurring benefits to both of us throughout our life together; even when we disagree, finding a third alternative that we can both agree on will keep the peace and help our love to grow, rather than to diminish into a downward spiral of negative words and emotions.