Saturday, March 28, 2020

Vulnerability is Worth the Effort

sakura tree in bloom

Pride and fear will prevent us from allowing our self to be vulnerable with another human being and with God. We shelter our soul from rejection and live in dread of someone inflicting physical or emotional pain on us; therefore, we keep people at arm's length and we view everyone as the enemy.

Codependent personalities will reinvent their whole persona. They go with the flow, adapt, and remake their personality - disregarding their real needs in order to go along so that they can get along with important people in their life. They want to be accepted and loved, and are afraid to be vulnerable.

Even if we marry someone who loves Jesus more than they love us, and they love us more than they love their self - and would rather take our pain away than inflict it, we do not trust them. We suspiciously interpret their words and actions as self-seeking and hard-hearted.

We keep our true feelings closed off in our mind, and we refuse to open our heart and connect with our mate or anyone else. We find it easier to open up a bit more to strangers on the internet than to the people with whom we actually live. We are extremely sensitive - with low feelings of self-worth.

However, there is freedom when we let down our guard, and the walls which we erect around our self. We may experience rejection, or even emotional distress by another's candidness and plain speech, but this allows us to improve in our areas of blind spots and to learn to laugh at our self.

No one is perfect, including me and you. We are all human, and this causes us to clash now and again. Relationships are hard in any stage of life. That is why some people choose to live as a hermit or a homebody or a loner, because we can avoid interacting with other people.

I always encourage young people to date many people before they marry, to find out the type of person with whom they are really compatible, to look for someone who loves Jesus more than they love them, and who love them more than they love their own self.

Father God, when we as individuals pursue intimacy with You, we open our heart to be vulnerable and to risk loving others in spite of the possibility of being hurt. We traverse this hateful world together, bracing one another so that we will not fall. We personally experience Your mercy and grace, and we can readily show that same level of compassion, care and nurturing to others.

Help us to listen to Your Spirit, and to follow His discernment and wisdom and guidance throughout our day. Then, we can reach out to those You put in our life and share Your love with them as a healthy person, rather than as a skeptical, fearful or codependent individual. When we put You first in all of our ways, We find that our communication with others is more intimate and Christ-centered and unified (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Thought for the Day:
Tribulation is easier to bear when we share it together, and our expectations of one another diminish, because we realize that as humans we all have our unbecoming hang-ups and habits; we love unconditionally, we have more patience with each other, and we forgive one another more quickly and completely.