Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Healing Inner Turmoil

 White Cherry Blossoms in Selective Focus Photography


Scientist and medical practitioners are discovering that there is a correlation between what we believe, think, and feel with how our body is reacting. What we believe about the food we eat, the place we live, the job we perform, the people surrounding us, the lifestyle in which we live, the world around us, the effect of our daily performance, etc. all affect our thoughts and emotions.


We often build walls of negative emotions and behavior around our self in order to protect us from future wounding incidents that may cause us to feel even more broken, or to think we are not good enough. Our thoughts, dreams and attitude give us a clue about what we are attempting to avoid from our past. 


We can change the results of these negative experiences and beliefs; yet, this cannot be done in our mind alone. Memorizing Bible verses; reading and thinking positive affirmations; cleaning up our lifestyle, habits, the toxic level caused by what we breathe and ingest and put on our skin; and the type of food we eat and drink, are all positive choices - but they are not enough. 


Poor self-esteem, self-doubts, unresolved traumatic experiences from our past, negatively talking to and about our self, etc. all impact our physical health. For instance, science found that a poor self-image effects our anxiety levels, our negative emotional response to life, including lies from satanic forces, our stress-related lifestyle, our addictions to harmful habits and chemicals, inflammatory related diseases, etc.


Yet, positive beliefs, self-talk, ability to forgive and have compassionate understanding of our self and others, effect what and how much we eat, our fears, stress, and emotions, which can heal our diseases and rid us of the toxins in our body, soul, and spirit. Healing our inner turmoil will have a healing effect on the rest of our being.


As we wholeheartedly trust the Lord, we live in peace enjoy good health, and make a difference in the world around us (Psalm 4:8; Matthew 11:28). As our Good Shepherd, He gathers us in His arms and carries us close to His heart (Isaiah 40:11). His love for us is unparalleled and greater than anyone or anything this world can provide.



Father God, while we were still unbelievers in the Gospel of Christ and enemies of Calvary’s cross - lost in sin, debauchery, and deprivation – You reconciled us to Yourself through Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for us all (Romans 5:10). You have blessings available for every authentic Born Again Believer who loves You, keeps Your commandments, and are willing to submit to Your plans for our life (Jeremiah 29:11; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Ephesians 2:10).


If we seek You with our whole heart, we will find You and experience fulfillment both in this life and for eternity (Jeremiah 29:13). You never, ever leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). You fight for us as we wait on You in the stillness of our body, soul, and spirit. You surround us with Your guarding angels (Exodus 14:14). Help us to be mindful of Your care of nature all around us and that You love us even more than You care about Your creation (Matthew 6:26; John 3:16-18).


Thought for the Day:

God uses trials to strengthen our character, improve our determination and perseverance, teach us to have gratitude for even the smallest blessings in life, increase our faith in His faithfulness, give us more compassion for others, change our direction and point of view in life, and improve the way we relate to life in our mental and emotional and spiritual beliefs, attitude, thoughts, and feelings.


Monday, August 30, 2021

Finding the Joy

Pink Rose 


It amazes me when I read a blog post, email, magazine article, etc. by other authors, and when I listen to my husband’s sermons, who are all saying the same things that I write about in my daily devotional blog. God is leading us all in the same path of righteousness, and we are learning similar lessons from His Spirit and His Word.


I love to write. I might even say that I live to write. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night, God’s Spirit is right there with a song, a scripture verse, a dream, a nightmare, or some truth that He wants me to meditate on during the day. Sometimes, I smile, cuddle under my warm blanket, and fall right back to sleep.


At other times, however, I jump into my snuggly, furry house slippers and go to my loveseat/computer desk to write a post or two for my blog’s future entries. I empty my soul of the thoughts that accumulate there as I sleep. Then, I either start my housework, or go back to my snuggly blanket to take a short nap.


God’s joy remains in us as we meditate on His Word throughout the day; and sometimes, even at night in our subconscious mind as we sleep. When we bathe in God’s Word, our joy is truly full, which is our strength to accomplish His desires for us throughout the moments of our day (John 15:11; Nehemiah 8:10).


When we put our complete trust in God alone, and obey His precepts, love His name, and walk by His Spirit in His will for us, we rejoice regardless of the circumstances that we face each day, and we find our joy and peace in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 5:11, 139).


We may not be able to see God physically, but we see and hear Him with our spiritual eyes and ears. We love Him and we find our self exuberantly worshipping Him for who He is, as well as for all that He does for us. He always defends us against satanic warfare and strengthens us in every trial (Ephesians 2:10; 1 Peter 1:8).



Father God, we wholeheartedly believe in You, and Your presence in us fills us with magnificent and indescribable joy (1 Peter 1:8). No person or experience can take this abiding joy away from us because it is rooted deep within our spirit and soul (John 16:22). Thank You that Your Spirit exchanges the negative aspects of our personality and replaces them with His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). 


Your Kingdom has nothing to do with carnal or humanistic pursuits, but includes our righteousness, peace, and joy in Your Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Teach us to follow Your peace and to never make any plans or commitments unless we feel Your complete peace in what we are about to obligate the time, energy, and resources that You provide for us. We love, honor, and cherish Your place in our life now and always.


Thought for the Day:

We find pleasure in this life and fulness of joy in the presence of the Trinity of God within us as we commune with Him in prayer – not only asking but listening to Him as well – He fulfills His desires in us and our joy is complete.

- Psalm 16:11; John 16:25


Sunday, August 29, 2021

A Good Marriage - Sincerity, Compassion and Warmth


Close-Up Photo of Blue Flowers


We often rush through life, focused on our busy schedule and taking our mate for granted. We forget to say, “Thank you for all you do for our family” or “You are remarkable, and I cherish you” or “I admire your ability to contribute to our family, to maintain Your Christian testimony, and to make me feel wanted and that I matter.”


Gloating over being “right,” inflicting “barbs” to make a point, bringing up our mate’s past failures, clinging to our pride or anger to protect us, using sarcasm, cynicism, and skepticism in relating to our spouse all pound nails into the coffin of our marriage by breeding hurt feelings, resentment, and indifference.


We communicate our deepest feelings toward one another in our daily comments, attitude, and behavior. Negative vibes build walls between us brick by brick. Taking a regular searching inventory of our words will give us a clue about our true feelings, and it will show us ways to clean up these cobwebs encroaching on the unity in our marriage.


We are human, and we all over-react, make assumptions and mistakes, and have foibles and idiosyncrasies and neurosis from life’s hard punches. When we disagree, which happens whenever two people live together, we can pray about God’s view on the issue, and ask Him to show us a third option that we can both embrace. 


Exchanging the words, “I love you” throughout the day affirms to our spouse that we value them in our life. A meaningful hug “good-bye” as we rush off to work, and “hello” when we return home warms our heart and sustains us throughout the workday.

My husband and I add the word “only” at the end of the phrase, “I love you,” and “I love you only” makes us feel secure in each other’s commitment to our marriage.



Father God, teach us to prefer one another, to be sensitive to one another’s mood and needs, to show compassion on what each of us is experiencing, and to spend time having fun and communicating together about the blessings and issues we faced during each day. Help us to regularly schedule outings that we both enjoy, and to make time to be out in nature to allow our soul to “catch up” and our body to breathe deeply.


This will draw us closer as a couple, improve our health, reduce our stress-level, and restore our soul. Remind us never to over-react, but to get all the facts of the situation rather than to make assumptions or to expect the worse from each other. When we walk in Your Spirit as individuals and as a couple, You become the third strand in our marriage that keeps us strong, united, effective in ministry, a light to our family and community, and enjoying our marriage rather than regretting it (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).


Thought for the Day:

Using polite words like: “When you have time…” or “I need your help when you are not busy” or “Please consider these thoughts in making your decision” will appeal to our mate more than demanding immediate help or attention without any regard to their needs and priorities, or expecting them to do things our way without any “say” in the matter; the decisions in our marriage can promote unity between us when we make them as a couple with much prayer.


Saturday, August 28, 2021

God’s Laws Protect Us


Close View of Pink Flowers With Water Droplets

Prejudice divides people into various groups. Some groups are frowned upon by society and some are actually rejected. Race, language, lifestyle, sexual choices, economic or social status, educational success, etc. cause divisions among many individuals. 


In God’s eyes, hate is the same as murder, and lust is the same as actual physical relations (1 John 3:15; Matthew 5:27-28). As Born Again Christians, we do not discriminate against one sin more than any other. We accept one another’s choices, but we pray for everyone to come to Jesus – the only Savior of the world.


There is no prejudice in us against any act of depravity. We once walked in sin continually, and we have compassion for those who still do (Ephesians 5:8; 1 Corinthians 6:11). We simply feel grieved that those who repeatedly practice any sinful behavior separate themselves from God’s blessings (Philippians 4:19; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Psalm 31:19, 34:8; Proverbs 10:22; John 3:18).


Exercise, nutrition, prescription drugs, diet options, etc. are increasingly included in everyday television programming. In their attempt to neutralize our feelings, media often uses these outlets to promote social aspects that are divisive, as well as some that are unbiblical and sinful.


For instance, with such a small percentage of the population of the entire world embracing the LGBT lifestyle, around 4%, I wonder why a greater and greater portion of our commercials, movies, sitcoms, TV series, and news are now including them in so many venues. This is true for other lifestyle choices as well.


However, there are some things that are never included in social media. Christianity is a legitimate lifestyle, and there are few mainline commercials, movies, sitcoms, TV series, and news including this valid life choice. The world treats Christians like the proverbial “bald-headed stepchild.” 


Some even consider our biblically based values as “hate crimes,” because we dare to derive our worldview from God’s principles. They base their opinion on the fact that the world’s philosophy is contrary to God’s ways, and therefore, they are offended by our scriptural stance.


Authentic Christians do not exclude anyone from joining our weekly worship and Bible studies. We include them in our friendships, and care about their needs. However, God only includes in His family, those individuals who fully embrace His Word and willingly submit to His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ (John 3:16-18, 14:15-31).



Father God, You created Your laws to protect us in body, soul, and spirit. Even Your narrow road that leads to life is for our protection, and the alternate wide road of the world ultimately leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). We love the protection and provision You give to those of us who prove our love for You by keeping Your commandments (John 14:15). 


Remind us that prejudice and hypocritical attitudes and behavior, by those espousing to follow Christ, will often cloud the world’s perception of Your goodness. We do not want to behave in any way that will tarnish Your name. Authentic Believers do not want to grieve Your Holy Spirit or to block our communion with Your presence within us.


Thought for the Day:

God intensely loves every individual in the world through every generation of time - past and present and future; He became our Emmanuel (God with us) by consenting to a birth in a stable, a life in a blue-collar family, and a cruel persecution and death in order to pay everyone’s penalty for our individual sins; our eternal destination depends on our own conviction that Jesus is our only door to everlasting life.

- John 3:16-18


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Get Rich Quick

Close-Up Video Of Pink Flower


In today’s society, so many people live a stress-filled life. They are sick in body, soul, and spirit in their attempt to live up to the expectations of their own making, or those put on them by employer, spouse, parents, children, or extended family members, neighbors, and friends.


There are numerous multi-level companies in existence today, which promise that we can “get rich quick.” People use them to fulfill dreams of a special type of home, car, wardrobe, vacation trip, “toy,” new vocation, etc. Some are successful with this tool; however, most end up depleting their savings or going into debt. 


Other factors contributing to our poor health is a lack of sleep, joy, gratitude, and contentment. Added to these negative thoughts and emotions is a chemically-contaminated supply of food, water, oxygen, nutrients, sun over-exposure, as well as an over-consumption of nutrient-deficient food, and an overindulgence of recreational activities, passive pastimes, addictions, and hobbies.


Another issue is that much of what we eat is processed, refined, and full of poisonous chemicals and elements such as: sugar, gluten, hormones, and allergy-producing ingredients. We have no time to exercise, because we are “chained” to a desk, a cubicle, or an assembly line, etc. all day long. After work, we have chores, children, and spouse at home that need our attention every day.


We breathe too shallowly and eat too fast to properly chew our food, we drink too much alcohol, spend too little time in nature, use too many chemically-laden toiletries and cleaning products, expose our self to electro-magnetic radiation in appliances, phones, computers, etc.


Sadly, we also carry emotional and mental baggage with us from past years that cause us to live in a fight/flight, weary, withdrawn, and emotionally exhausted existence. However, there is hope for us in God’s redemption of our spirit, soul, and body. We simply walk in His Spirit, in His primary Biblical principles and advice, and with His presence within our spirit. 



Father God, no wonder we call this earthly existence the “rat race.” We often feel like we are trapped in a cage with no variance but a wire wheel that is going nowhere as fast as our legs can carry us. We get sicker and more discouraged with each passing year of our life, and we depend more and more on fast food and chemically laden medication with atrocious side effects. 


Draw us close to You, and never let us go (James 4:8; Jeremiah 29:12-14; Hebrews 13:5). Help us to submit our sin-filled life to Your redemption through admitting we are a sinner in need of Your Savior and believing in what Jesus Christ did for us on Calvary’s cross (John 3:16-18). Then, teach us to rely on You each moment of our day, rather than on our own human tendencies, and to walk in Your perfect plans for our life (Ephesians 2:10). 


Thought for the Day:

We are a friend of God, a co-heir with Jesus Christ, and a student of God’s Holy Spirit’s guidance as we depend only on God’s Trinity’s purpose for our life; as we do, God is all we need, all we want, and the fulfillment of all our desires both in this life and throughout eternity. 

- John 15:15-17; Romans 8:16-18; John 16:13; Colossians 3:3-4


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Our Improved Life

 White Petaled Flower


Jesus spent hours communing with our Father, and He never did anything that He did not first see our Father doing (John 5:19-30). Those who saw Jesus also saw our Father, and Jesus prayed that we too would enjoy this same union with the Trinity of God within us so we may also be one with them (John 17:21-23).


Uncluttering our life starts with adopting His plan in place of our plans. Making God’s plans for us as our singular focus through each moment of every day, communicating and listening to Him in prayer without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28), and prioritizing our daily schedule around His perfect peace within us guarantees our fulfilled life (Philippians 4:7-9).


During our years of walking with the Lord, His Spirit changes us from one stage of spiritual maturity to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18). We learn to consult Him for His purposes for our life rather than walking according to our human understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). 


God encouraged Joshua with words that also soothe our life. He instructs us not to focus on our terrifying circumstances, which will only discourage us, but to remember that He is the Lord in it all. He is with us and in us everywhere we go, through everything we do, and He anoints us to accomplish the work He ordained for us to do before we were ever born (Joshua 1:9; Ephesians 2:10).


God’s peace leads us, His grace increases in us, His love flows over us like a waterfall, and His joy bubbles up from within us. Our faith develops into an intimate union with His presence within us as we see His faithfulness to us. Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered during His lifetime, and we do too (Hebrews 5:8-14).


God’s Spirit disturbs our peace when we stray from His protective narrow road and veer onto the wide road to destruction. However, walking in His will brings order to the chaos that threatens to overwhelm us, healing from the pain that wearies us, and joy that fills our cup to overflowing.



Father God, thank You for redeeming us and for calling us by name to come to You. We rejoice in the fact that as authentic Believers, we belong to You and that You are with us through every traumatic experience we face in our lifetime (Isaiah 443:1-3). Your faithfulness is higher than the mountains and reaches to the sky (Psalm 36:5, 108:4).


Remind us that Your love eradicates fear from our life (1 John 4:18-20). We have no need to focus on possible failure, humiliation, pressure from expectations, disaster, or pain and suffering, but to realize that Your presence in our life keeps us in perfect peace as we focus on You (Isaiah 26:3-4). You are our Savior, our Lord, our Provider, our Sanctifier, and our soon coming King.


Thought for the Day:

Waiting on the Lord requires patience all the time; and, sometimes, it also requires giving up our desired endeavor for sitting quietly and waiting on Him while we listen for God's will for this moment of time in which we are living; we learn to know the will of God for us because it becomes evident by the peace of God that fills our soul regardless of our experience, thoughts, and emotions.


Monday, August 23, 2021

God Guides and Provides

Sakura Tree


There are so many options in life in our modern world. Many new technologies, advances in former technologies in medicine and science and manufacturing, new restaurant and retail experiences, etc. all give us a wider variety of choices in our vocational direction. 


However, God formulated a plan for our life before we were ever born, and in the center of His will for us is the happiest place on earth (Ephesians 1:1, 1:4, 2:10). If we take time to seek God’s direction for each moment of our life, He joyfully shows us His path for us. 


He never neglects the work of His hands (Psalm 138:8). We are His sheep, and He calls us His people (Psalm 100:3). He is our Father who bought us with the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary’s cross, and He not only made us, but He establishes us as well (Deuteronomy 332:6).


In His constant presence, we experience fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).  He gives us wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6), and instructs us in the ways that we should go (Psalm 32:8). God’s Word tells us that He will guide us with His eye (Psalm 32:8). For this to happen, we must be looking into His face.


When we honor the Lord, and place our hope in His mercy, He keeps His eye on us, delivers our spirit and soul from the effects of death, and protects us during the trials inherent in life on this globe (Psalm 33:18-19). His ears are always listening for when we cry out to Him for His help (Psalm 34:15).


In Christ, we are a new creation and we shed our carnal nature as the righteousness of Christ develops in our soul (2 Corinthians 5:17). People see our devotion to Him, and they glorify God with their own life (Matthew 5:16). He is our guide throughout our life, and even through death (Psalm 48:14).



Father God, thank You for making our paths in life straight for us, for giving us light in the darkness, and for leading us in Your paths of righteous living (Psalm 18:28; Isaiah 42:16). Remind us not to make our own plans, but to walk in the steps that You predetermined for us to follow (Proverbs 16:9; Ephesians 2:10). We rejoice that You guide us with Your eye and Your counsel. 


You provide for all our needs throughout our lifetime until we join You in glory (Psalm 73:24; Isaiah 58:11). Remind us to make a habit of reading Your Word, for out of it are the true issues of life that guide us on our journey (Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 4:23). When we are troubled or broken by the trials of life, You restore our soul, and lead us back to Your straight and narrow road that leads to life (Psalm 23; Matthew 7:13-14).


Thought for the Day:

People admire creation, even when we refuse to believe in the Creator of all things whose ways are perfect, whose word is tried and true, and who protects us when we put our trust in Him alone; we are only truly blessed when we follow His instruction and learn from His precepts.

- 2 Samuel 22:31; Psalm 94:12


Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Good Marriage - Creating New Routines


Close Up Photo of Yellow-Orange Rose


One benefit of the Covid19 pandemic was the increased interaction between children and parents. Of course, some parents were not able to deal with this amiably, due to issues of their own, but many adjusted well. Mothers, and some fathers, were even able to work at home to care for both their job and family much easier.


More people cooked at home, rather than eating take-out or at a restaurant every day. They realized a financial and physical improvement from this turn of events. Families ate meals together around the family dining table, and they had more personal interaction and conversation than usual.


With many businesses closing down, neighbors actually got acquainted with one another and interacted on a more social and regular basis. Some people learned new hobbies and skills, which enriched their life. Parents had time to share their talents with their children too.


Churches increased in attendance in spite of the restrictions placed on them. Others tuned in to hear preaching online. People tend to go to God in their times of need, and He is always waiting for them with open arms. Some families even started making spiritual pursuits part their priorities each week (Hebrews 10:25).


Others limited their worship to Sunday morning, which is rather restrictive to their spirit. Having daily family devotions, personal time in prayer and Bible reading and study, listening to songs, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19), etc. all help us to strengthen our union with the Lord as well as to mature our spiritual growth (Deuteronomy 6:7-9; Psalm 84:2).


Marriage is often a challenge during the best of times, but when life is stressful, we are required to change old habits, to compromise as husband and wife, and to create a new routine in our life. We give up part of our quest of individual dreams and learn to follow the guidance of God’s Spirit together.



Father God, we want to make You the center of our focus in our family and as a couple. In today’s society, that is harder and harder to accomplish. So many distractions pull us away from corporate worship with our church family, and places demands on our time for more worldly activities.


We need You in these modern times of distractions and pandemics more than ever. Thank You for teaching us, as husband and wife, to draw closer to You and to steer our family away from worldly demands and toward more spiritual pursuits. We want to love You with our whole heart now and always.


Thought for the Day:

When we get married, we can let go of our personal preconceptions and expectations about marriage and embrace the reality of sharing our life with someone special, provided for us by God; nothing is more important to our life than involving our mate and family in making new goals according to God’s direction, as well as experiencing our life together with someone that we genuinely love and who loves us.


Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Truth of God's Word

Photo of White Moth Orchids 


We can trust in God's Living Word because its prophesies are true. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, and it divides between the desires of our flesh and the aspirations of our spirit (Hebrews 4:12). The truths in the Bible speak to us about the veracity of His Word and the perfect timing of God's plan for all of mankind.


For instance, Jesus - our perfect sacrificial Lamb - was crucified on the 14th day of the first month of the Jewish year (1 Corinthians 5:7). That was no accident. Theologians suggest that this is the exact day and time that the Passover lambs are slain as a memorial of the Jew's deliverance from the death angel while in Egypt (Matthew 27:62, 18:1; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; John 19:31,42). 


Christ's sacrifice makes us fully acceptable and totally pleasing to God by washing away our sins and giving us Christ's righteousness as our new nature. His Word gives us faith to believe in Him for salvation, justification, and eventually for glorification. Scripture also gives us hope for our future (Jeremiah 29:11).


The Word informs us that God's Spirit renews our mind and character, establishing us with the fruit of His Spirit and the character of Christ (Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 1:3-10). Seeing our identity in Christ improves our self-image and deepens our union with Him. Christ in us makes us the light of the world, a city set on a hill, which is impossible to hide (Matthew 5:14). 


However, this also means that any sin in our life is instantly visible and damages our witness for Christ. Our words and actions affect our testimony either positively or negatively. That is why we are exhorted to keep our self unspotted by the world, and God's Word helps us to do this (James 1:27). 


Trusting in God's Word gives us peace of mind, the security of faith, and hope for tomorrow. It also makes us realize that Satan only has power over us if we give him something to devour (1 Peter 5:8). If we submit to God and resist the devil, he must flee from us (James 4:7). God’s precepts and prophesies give us solid ground on which to stand in this world of shifting sand. 



Father God, life on this earth is scary and unpredictable, debilitating and demoralizing, and full of pain and suffering. If we had to live without You and Your Word, our hearts would fail us for fear (Luke 21:26). Yet, trusting in Your Word gives us strength within, which permeates all our decisions and fuels all our actions. 


As we walk in Your Spirit through every moment of every day, there is no guesswork to consider, no mistakes to reap, and no mishaps for which You have not already prepared us. Thank You for not leaving us on earth without Your Word to comfort and encourage us. We make melody in our heart to You each moment of our day.


Thought for the Day:

Criticizing the Word of God is human arrogance at its highest; only the wise will believe in His Word and trust in its insights; we rely on Biblical truth to steer us in the smartest direction in all our decisions, to encourage us when we are weary, and to comfort us in our afflictions. 

- 1 Corinthians 1:21; Romans 10:17


Friday, August 20, 2021

Making Choices

Close Up of a Flower


People do not need to agree with us for us to be “right.” What we believe may not be right for them, but that does not mean it is not right for us. We never need to follow the “mob” mentality in order to feel like we are making a good decision for our self. If someone disagrees with us – even a parent or spouse or child – it does not indicate that we are wrong.


It just suggests that we have different goals, ideals, life view, etc. than they do. We can stand on our own two feet, let the other person make their choice and then make choices of our own that are best for us. Even in marriage, we do not need to be in sync through every choice or decision. 


Codependency, laying down like a doormat, or giving up on our hopes, dreams, and needs all the time is not a necessity. We can go our separate ways, at times, and come back together to be united in other decisions. Praying about God’s will in all our decisions keeps us united, and it brings ultimate peace to our relationship.


I think the best way as a couple is to find a third option on which we can both agree. That may not always be possible, but it is usually probable if we bathe the decision in prayer. God has perfect plans for both of us. He may want to use us together, but He may choose to use us in two separate venues for a while too.


We can go with the flow of His Holy Spirit and support one another in our separate ministries and choices. This does not diminish our love for one another, but it does prevent us from feeling used, belittled, limited, or like we do not matter. We always matter to God, and He proves this in a myriad of ways that fill our soul with His love and joy.


The next time we have a conflict with someone, we can pray together and attempt to hear God’s direction for a third choice for this decision that we can both agree on; and then, go with God’s direction, even if it means that we go our separate ways with a significant friend or family member or spouse for a short time.



Father God, give us the courage to make choices that keep us in the center of Your will for us. Help us to support one another in these decisions in order to stay within Your perfect will for both of us. We want all that we say, feel, and do to bring honor and glory to Your name as we further Your Kingdom on the earth.


You have perfect choices for us to make that You ordained before You ever formed us in our mother’s womb. We want to walk in the center of Your will – the happiest place on earth for us. This prevents negative attitudes and emotions from coming between us and the significant others in our life, and gives us the peace, joy and fulfillment that resting in You provides for us.


Thought for the Day:

Limiting our choices to do only what other people feel is right for us is never the right option, because following God’s will and purpose for each of us is always the right choice; our marriage is enhanced by making sure that we both have God’s perfect peace about decisions that we make individually and as a couple.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Satan’s Shaming Devices

 Selective Focus Photography of Pink Petaled Flower in Bloom


The father of lies constantly attempts to convince us that his deception is truth. He sets up “perfect storms” to entangle us in a web of fabrication in order to convince us that we should follow the sinful thoughts that his temptations plant in our mind. 


Thankfully, as we mature spiritually, sin longer appeals to us. However, if these issues arise during a weak moment in our psyche, and we are swayed by satanic enticements, God always gives us a way to escape these corrupt suggestions (1 Corinthians 10:13). 


Depending on our soul’s health and the strength of our spirit, we may or may not heed his temptations. Unbelievers use every case of a Christian’s demise as a “soap box” on which to call us hypocrites, to heap shame on us, to smear the name of God, and to espouse their anti-Christ rhetoric and propaganda. 


The more we avail our self to the presence of the Trinity of God within us, the harmony of His fellowship with us, and His constant communion and communication with us, the more we walk in victory over Satan’s temptations and the stronger we grow in our faith in God’s faithfulness.


This enables us to think about lovely, positive, worthy, good, and faithful topics (Philippians 4:8) that change our focus from temptations to victories through Jesus’ presence within us (1 Corinthians 10:23). If necessary, our Daddy God will lovingly discipline us back onto the safety of His straight and narrow road (Hebrews 12:1-13; Matthew 7:13-14).


Victory over sin is much more fulfilling than submitting to the suggestions to sin, which come from our flesh, the world, and the devil. The blessings given to us now, and those awaiting us in Heaven, are worth the effort it takes to trust God to enable us to overcome temptations to sin. In this way, we please our Heavenly Father.



Father God, thank You that even if we fail to utilize Your methods to escape temptation, Your forgiveness awaits us. Thank You for restoring us when we fail You. As authentic Born Again Believers, however, we do not live in habitual sin because of Your grace, but in faithfulness to You, which is supplied to us through Your mercy (Romans 6:1-2; 1 John 3:8-10).


We want to exhibit true sorrow for our sins, because we know sin breaks Your heart, and hinders our fellowship with You. Your Word instructs us that true sorrow includes a thorough repentance, not simply a glib prayer murmured to quench our shame over our behavior. We want to walk in close communion with You each and every moment of our life.


Thought for the Day:

Satan exasperates and discourages our soul with temptations to sin, until we realize that the first thought of temptation is from him, and we do not cross the line into sin unless we entertain his plans for us; God uses these temptations to show us the true empty futility of living a sinful life.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Cooperating with God

Close-Up Video Of Pink Flower 


God uses spiritual disciplines to form our character, disciple us in His Word, communicate with us, meld us with His Body, and keep us on His protective straight and narrow road (Mathew 7:13-14). God does not need us (Acts 17:25), but He created us as a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:15-20), and He desires us to live as a people who love Him with our whole heart (Matthew 22:37-40).


Ministry is not our attempt to please God, but our cooperation with Him as He serves others through us. We rest in Him, and we walk in His Spirit moment by moment throughout the day, and He uses us to further His Kingdom in the earth. This prevents us from burning out through human effort rather than reliance on Christ.


When we walk in the Spirit, we do not experience frustration, misgiving, insecurity, strife, and weariness, because we are drenched in God’s grace and filled through our entire being with all that fullness of God that equips us for every good deed that He inspires us to perform (Philippians 4:13).


We are acceptable to God through the work of Christ on Calvary, and not on our own efforts to earn His trust, love, and approval (Philippians 1:6; Ephesians 2:8-9). His grace saves us and transforms us through His sanctifying process, and His mercy toward us is new every single morning (Acts 3:19; Joel 2:13; Lamentations 3:22-23). 



Father God, the only responsibility You lay on us is to show our love for You by obeying Your commandments and to enter into Your rest (1 John 5:3; Hebrews 4:3). You prefer our responsiveness to Your Spirit’s direction of each moment of our day, rather than us sacrificing for You through our own efforts to accomplish for You what we think You desire from us (Hebrews 13:21; James 2:17, 20, 26).


Remind us that we are branches to bear Your fruit, not by our own efforts (2 Corinthians 3:5), but through the Vine of Christ and the strength of Your Holy Spirit flowing into us from the Vine (John 15:5; Philippians 2:12-13, 4:13). Help us to live by faith in Your goodness and perfect plan for our life (Colossians 2:6-7). Teach us how to abide as a city set on a hill (Matthew 5:14-16). We want people to see our good works and to glorify You (Matthew 5:16). 


Thought for the Day:

Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, church attendance and involvement in its ministries, walking in the Spirit, sharing our testimony with others, showing our love for God by keeping His commandments, living life from a humble and generous spirit, etc. are all designed to increase our unity with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our example to the people in our life.

- Romans 8:14; Philippians 1:6; Ephesians 2:10

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Jesus’ Finished Work

 Close-Up Photo of Blue Flowers


When we surrender our life to Christ’s Lordship, His grace gives us rest for our weary, discouraged, or troubled soul. We enter a realm of faith that we never experienced before, and He showers us with love, joy, and mercy if we are receptive and humble enough to accept it.


We soon learn that Christianity is not what we do on Sunday morning, but it is who we are in a totally submitted way of life. When we sing in our church services, we tend to sing songs that make us feel good and that give us assurance. We forget that we are singing to an audience of One.


When our songs focus on worshipping Him alone, we lift Jesus higher, so He can draw all men to Himself and give them His eternal life (John 12:32). We find rest for our soul as we avail our self of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross (Matthew 11:28-30). 


Jesus restores every willing person to a personal, intimate relationship with God (John 3:16-18). He finished the work He came to earth to accomplish (John 19:30), and He manifests His life in and through us so we can do greater works through our combined efforts with Him (John 14:11-13).


When Jesus submitted to God’s plan for Him on Calvary’s cross, God gave His Son all authority in heaven and on earth, taking back the authority that Adam and Eve’s sin gave to the devil (Matthew 28:19). Now Jesus abides within every authentic, Born Again Believer as our Living Savior and Lord.


Jesus removed the curse of sin from our life with His righteousness, and our insecurity with His divine identity, and our loneliness by His intimate union with us, and our fear of the unknown with His faith and faithfulness, and our hope for the future through His plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11).


Father God, thank You for fashioning our life with Your hands, as a potter forms the clay on his/her potter’s wheel (Jeremiah 18:6). The clay lays on the wheel, totally yielding to the potter’s vision for it, and we too surrender to our Potter’s plans for us (Ephesians 2:10). We love how much You love us and how You surround us with Your protection, love, mercy, and compassion.


Thank You too for sending Jesus to set us free from the bondage to sin (Galatians 5:1, 13-25). He is our Spirit of liberty from carnality (2 Corinthians 3:18), and it gives us such peace to know that the Spirit of Christ abides with us (Romans 8:9). With Him, we can do nothing; but with You we can do all the things You purpose for us to do (John 15:5; Philippians 4:13).


Thought for the Day:

God gives us His love, peace, joy, and fulfillment as we draw near to Him with an open and sincere soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices (Hebrews 10:19, 22), and we live our life through His inspiration and guidance as a testimony to everyone He brings into our life.

Monday, August 16, 2021

How Do You Feel?

Shallow Focus Photography of Purple Flowers 


There are several answers to the question: “How Do You Feel?”

“I feel fantastic.”

“I feel great.”

“I feel good.”

“I feel fine.”

“I feel okay.”

“I do not feel very well.”

“I feel … (followed by a whole litany of aches, pains, and symptoms.”


There are some people that ask that question and they are not really interested in our answer. They do not listen actively to our answer, and their attention wanes before we even get a few sentences out of our mouth. There are others that we dare not ask the question, because we will be there for the next hour or more listening to all their constant woes, illnesses, and diseases. 


Our answer to this question depends on our perspective, attitude, personality tendencies, and physical, mental, and emotional health. Some people see the glass half full, and others see the glass half empty. Negative thoughts increase our pain and make us feel like a martyr or that we are suffering worse than anyone else. 


We all need sympathy or for at least one other person to feel sorry for us. For some reason this often makes us feel like we matter and that someone actually cares about our state of being. That we matter to someone other than our self makes us feel like we are not abandoned or alone. 


Some people can be suffering greatly; and yet, we could never tell that they are in need, because their attitude is so positive even with debilitating pain or diseases. As authentic Believers, we see our state of being through the lens of an eternal perspective. God cares about us more than any person we know. 



Father God, as a person who suffered greatly over our lifetime, we comparatively feel better or worse than in the past. Our mind believes our thoughts – positive or negative. If we meditate on faith, truth, and love, we will believe it (Philippians 4:8). Taking our health to You to heal in Your timing and way gives us hope for tomorrow and a positive attitude for today. We never want to take You for granted or to demand from You an immediate answer to our prayer. 


As our Father, You know best. We trust You with our whole heart, soul, mind, will, choices, and strength. You place Your desires in our heart and grant them according to Your wisdom and grace for us individually, and as a Body of Believers. Help us to walk together in faith in Your choices for us and enable us to have what we need to carry out Your will for our life. We want to live as a praise to You and for Your glory.


Thought for the Day: 

Sympathy, empathy, and compassion are truly healing attitudes that we can share with one another, and a quick trip to the hospital will show us the truth that comparatively there is always someone else who is suffering more than we are; we have much for which to be thankful, because we are a blessed people in the family of God.