Monday, August 2, 2021

The Gift of God’s Word

 Purple Petaled Flower


Jesus used scripture to defeat the devil, and we can too. He affirmed His faith in God’s Word, and these words of life bolstered His faith and repelled satanic forces (Matthew 4:1-11). Satan’s lies often confuse and overpower our finite thinking and cast a shadow of doubt on our beliefs. However, Godly wisdom and truth cause him to flee from us (James 4:7).


The validity of scripture can be trusted as our “rule of thumb” for every circumstance that we face in our lifetime. These verses combat the doubts that satanic lies raise in our soul. They provide us with comfort, direction, rebuke, instruction, and admonition. 


God’s Word is a two-edge sword that divides the carnality of our soul and the maturing spirit within us (Ephesians 6:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 4:12). We acquire wisdom, peace, joy, courage, and hope from each word that He inspired the writers to pen on the pages of ancient manuscripts.


The discovery of these ancient copies of God’s Word prove that our current Bibles are the same truth. God did not abandon us on this earth after setting creation in motion, but He gave us His Word, His Son, His Spirit, and His provision every moment of every day. His Word is our constant companion and the greatest source of wisdom and truth this world will ever encounter.



Father God, Your insightful revelation, nature and wisdom in Your Word builds our faith and guides us throughout our life. You inspired every word, and we delight in learning from it, and using it to teach others Your truths (2 Peter 1:20-21). The fruit of the earth feeds our body, but Your Words feed our soul and spirit (Matthew 4:4).


By teaching us about Jesus, the Bible gives us everything we need to live a fulfilled life in a Godly manner (2 Peter 1:3). We completely trust in the absolute truth in Your Word, which is a lamp that lights our way in this dreary, dark world in which we must abide until we finish the work that You call us to do (Psalm 119:105; Ephesians 2:10). We love You above all else, and we exalt You with our praises and adoration.


Thought for the Day:

God’s Word is powerful and alive and gives us strength, courage, and inspiration; the more we read it, the more alive we feel and more empowered we are to withstand the wiles of the devil and the insanity in the world around us; all the while God is continually works behind the scenes to prove to us His truth, goodness, and faithfulness.