Sunday, August 1, 2021

A Good Marriage - Sacrificial Love

 Red Rose


No human being ever wants to make sacrifices. We want to live a life that bountifully fulfills our desires, plans, and goals. Yet, many of us will unselfishly sacrifice for those whom we love and to whom we are devoted. This usually transforms our relationship and two actually become one flesh (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:3). 


A mate’s love, flowing from a heart of dedication, is not a duty but a joy. If one sacrifices for a mate out of duty, it is rarely appreciated. Then, the one doing the sacrificing allows bitterness to grow in his/her heart. This greatly impacts the flow of love in the relationship and builds walls in the marriage.


If warm feelings do not accompany our sacrifice, we need to pray to let God reveal to us the reasons they are blocked (Ephesians 3:20); and then, if they include our spouse, discuss these issues together. We usually serve in every capacity in our life: at home, extended family, work, church, neighborhood, community, and the world. This can get exhausting at times.


We all need to admit our mistakes, to ask for forgiveness, to accept our mate unconditionally, and to honestly change the things about our self that truly offends our mate. This helps us to grow closer to each other, and to mature spiritually. We dwell together with understanding and acceptance of one another. 


Love is the greatest gift we can give to another human being. Love grows as we spend quality time together and share our thoughts, emotions, concerns and needs. Neither one of us is a mind reader; therefore, it is futile to expect our mate to instinctively know what we need or want. 


Regular times of communication is a necessity in any relationship. Cherishing one another, quickly forgiving slights or oversights or grouchy responses and barbs, showing compassion on what our mate is going through, and loving each other even when we act unlovingly will go a long way in showing sacrificial love.



Father God, thank You for enabling us to love one another so much that we would never, ever do anything that we know would hurt our partner. Remind us not to develop deep personal relationships with anyone else either mentally, emotionally, or physically – no intimate communication through any means. Lying or keeping secrets from our mate is very dangerous ground and erodes the foundation of our union.


Help us to see that meeting alone with someone other than our spouse is opening the door for infidelity. It is vitally important that we guard one another’s reputation and integrity. We do not want negative emotions to erode what we could be as a couple, so teach us to really listen to our spouse, and to hear the cries of each other’s heart. We desire above all else to remain faithful to both You and our spouse.


Thought for the Day:

Protecting and nourishing our marriage is one the greatest gifts we can give to our self as well as to our mate, children, and extended family, friends, and community; we can do this by following God’s plan for us as a couple, as we play, minister, share, and live with His purpose as our primary goal in our relationship.