Saturday, August 28, 2021

God’s Laws Protect Us


Close View of Pink Flowers With Water Droplets

Prejudice divides people into various groups. Some groups are frowned upon by society and some are actually rejected. Race, language, lifestyle, sexual choices, economic or social status, educational success, etc. cause divisions among many individuals. 


In God’s eyes, hate is the same as murder, and lust is the same as actual physical relations (1 John 3:15; Matthew 5:27-28). As Born Again Christians, we do not discriminate against one sin more than any other. We accept one another’s choices, but we pray for everyone to come to Jesus – the only Savior of the world.


There is no prejudice in us against any act of depravity. We once walked in sin continually, and we have compassion for those who still do (Ephesians 5:8; 1 Corinthians 6:11). We simply feel grieved that those who repeatedly practice any sinful behavior separate themselves from God’s blessings (Philippians 4:19; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Psalm 31:19, 34:8; Proverbs 10:22; John 3:18).


Exercise, nutrition, prescription drugs, diet options, etc. are increasingly included in everyday television programming. In their attempt to neutralize our feelings, media often uses these outlets to promote social aspects that are divisive, as well as some that are unbiblical and sinful.


For instance, with such a small percentage of the population of the entire world embracing the LGBT lifestyle, around 4%, I wonder why a greater and greater portion of our commercials, movies, sitcoms, TV series, and news are now including them in so many venues. This is true for other lifestyle choices as well.


However, there are some things that are never included in social media. Christianity is a legitimate lifestyle, and there are few mainline commercials, movies, sitcoms, TV series, and news including this valid life choice. The world treats Christians like the proverbial “bald-headed stepchild.” 


Some even consider our biblically based values as “hate crimes,” because we dare to derive our worldview from God’s principles. They base their opinion on the fact that the world’s philosophy is contrary to God’s ways, and therefore, they are offended by our scriptural stance.


Authentic Christians do not exclude anyone from joining our weekly worship and Bible studies. We include them in our friendships, and care about their needs. However, God only includes in His family, those individuals who fully embrace His Word and willingly submit to His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ (John 3:16-18, 14:15-31).



Father God, You created Your laws to protect us in body, soul, and spirit. Even Your narrow road that leads to life is for our protection, and the alternate wide road of the world ultimately leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). We love the protection and provision You give to those of us who prove our love for You by keeping Your commandments (John 14:15). 


Remind us that prejudice and hypocritical attitudes and behavior, by those espousing to follow Christ, will often cloud the world’s perception of Your goodness. We do not want to behave in any way that will tarnish Your name. Authentic Believers do not want to grieve Your Holy Spirit or to block our communion with Your presence within us.


Thought for the Day:

God intensely loves every individual in the world through every generation of time - past and present and future; He became our Emmanuel (God with us) by consenting to a birth in a stable, a life in a blue-collar family, and a cruel persecution and death in order to pay everyone’s penalty for our individual sins; our eternal destination depends on our own conviction that Jesus is our only door to everlasting life.

- John 3:16-18