Monday, August 30, 2021

Finding the Joy

Pink Rose 


It amazes me when I read a blog post, email, magazine article, etc. by other authors, and when I listen to my husband’s sermons, who are all saying the same things that I write about in my daily devotional blog. God is leading us all in the same path of righteousness, and we are learning similar lessons from His Spirit and His Word.


I love to write. I might even say that I live to write. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night, God’s Spirit is right there with a song, a scripture verse, a dream, a nightmare, or some truth that He wants me to meditate on during the day. Sometimes, I smile, cuddle under my warm blanket, and fall right back to sleep.


At other times, however, I jump into my snuggly, furry house slippers and go to my loveseat/computer desk to write a post or two for my blog’s future entries. I empty my soul of the thoughts that accumulate there as I sleep. Then, I either start my housework, or go back to my snuggly blanket to take a short nap.


God’s joy remains in us as we meditate on His Word throughout the day; and sometimes, even at night in our subconscious mind as we sleep. When we bathe in God’s Word, our joy is truly full, which is our strength to accomplish His desires for us throughout the moments of our day (John 15:11; Nehemiah 8:10).


When we put our complete trust in God alone, and obey His precepts, love His name, and walk by His Spirit in His will for us, we rejoice regardless of the circumstances that we face each day, and we find our joy and peace in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 5:11, 139).


We may not be able to see God physically, but we see and hear Him with our spiritual eyes and ears. We love Him and we find our self exuberantly worshipping Him for who He is, as well as for all that He does for us. He always defends us against satanic warfare and strengthens us in every trial (Ephesians 2:10; 1 Peter 1:8).



Father God, we wholeheartedly believe in You, and Your presence in us fills us with magnificent and indescribable joy (1 Peter 1:8). No person or experience can take this abiding joy away from us because it is rooted deep within our spirit and soul (John 16:22). Thank You that Your Spirit exchanges the negative aspects of our personality and replaces them with His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). 


Your Kingdom has nothing to do with carnal or humanistic pursuits, but includes our righteousness, peace, and joy in Your Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Teach us to follow Your peace and to never make any plans or commitments unless we feel Your complete peace in what we are about to obligate the time, energy, and resources that You provide for us. We love, honor, and cherish Your place in our life now and always.


Thought for the Day:

We find pleasure in this life and fulness of joy in the presence of the Trinity of God within us as we commune with Him in prayer – not only asking but listening to Him as well – He fulfills His desires in us and our joy is complete.

- Psalm 16:11; John 16:25