Sunday, August 8, 2021

Dissecting Spiritual Trials


Pink Tulip Flowers Under White Clouds Blue Skies at Daytime 


Many people question our constant trials and blame them on our mismanagement of our life. They assume we are out of step with the Lord in some area. Like Job’s friends, they heap condemnation on top of our suffering (Job 2). We have a choice to defend our self, or to thank them for their opinion – opinions are like noses, everyone has one.


However, God uses trials in our life to prove His love for us. He steps in at just the right time to rescue us from total annihilation and He redeems us – working out everything for our eventual good (Romans 8:28). Trials make us stronger, more confident, mature us spiritually, help us to live more in-tune with God’s Spirit within us, and drive us deeper into our intimate union with Him.


The divine nature and character of Jesus manifests itself through us. We are humbled by our tribulation, and we realize just how dependent on Him we really are. Our soul – our thoughts, emotions, and choices – changes from carnal to spiritual and from finite to a more infinite focus.


God is the center of our focus in our trials, as well as in the good times. He created us for His glory (John 9:3), which He receives as we maintain our faith and positive attitude through it all (Isaiah 43:7; Genesis 50:20; Job 42:2). God also uses trials to keep us walking on His protective narrow road, rather than on the wide path to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14; John 3:18).


Our Heavenly Father asks us to trust in Him and to abide in His purposes for our life (Ephesians 2:10; Hosea 14:9). Even if we do not understand what is happening to us and why, we continue to exhibit faith in His faithfulness (Proverbs 20:24). As we wait on the Lord, He renews our strength (Isaiah 40:31).



Father God, our temporary suffering is not worthy to be compared to Your glory that You reveal in us through each trial (Romans 8:18). You manifest Your goodness, grace, mercy, power, and sovereignty through every event we experience. This enables us to enter Your rest and to enjoy Your peace, regardless of the stressful incidents we experience.


Help us to always rejoice in You, especially when we go through trauma and loss (James 1:2, 11; 1 Peter 6,8). Teach us how to be content in every circumstance (Philippians 4:11). Show us Your divine appointments that are manifested through every ordeal, and to give You thanks for them (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Ephesians 5:20). We give You all the praise and glory due to Your name for allowing us to persevere through life’s difficulties.


Thought for the Day:

When our soul is deeply troubled, our initial discouragement and confusion are human and should cause us no condemnation, because in Christ, we are more than conquerors over the issues of life; God’s Spirit in us helps us to overcome every matter that satanic forces use to shake our foundation in Christ. 

- Romans 8:1,37; Revelation 2:7,3:21; 2 Corinthians 4:8; Luke 12:50, John 12:27, 12:21