Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Good Marriage - Creating New Routines


Close Up Photo of Yellow-Orange Rose


One benefit of the Covid19 pandemic was the increased interaction between children and parents. Of course, some parents were not able to deal with this amiably, due to issues of their own, but many adjusted well. Mothers, and some fathers, were even able to work at home to care for both their job and family much easier.


More people cooked at home, rather than eating take-out or at a restaurant every day. They realized a financial and physical improvement from this turn of events. Families ate meals together around the family dining table, and they had more personal interaction and conversation than usual.


With many businesses closing down, neighbors actually got acquainted with one another and interacted on a more social and regular basis. Some people learned new hobbies and skills, which enriched their life. Parents had time to share their talents with their children too.


Churches increased in attendance in spite of the restrictions placed on them. Others tuned in to hear preaching online. People tend to go to God in their times of need, and He is always waiting for them with open arms. Some families even started making spiritual pursuits part their priorities each week (Hebrews 10:25).


Others limited their worship to Sunday morning, which is rather restrictive to their spirit. Having daily family devotions, personal time in prayer and Bible reading and study, listening to songs, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19), etc. all help us to strengthen our union with the Lord as well as to mature our spiritual growth (Deuteronomy 6:7-9; Psalm 84:2).


Marriage is often a challenge during the best of times, but when life is stressful, we are required to change old habits, to compromise as husband and wife, and to create a new routine in our life. We give up part of our quest of individual dreams and learn to follow the guidance of God’s Spirit together.



Father God, we want to make You the center of our focus in our family and as a couple. In today’s society, that is harder and harder to accomplish. So many distractions pull us away from corporate worship with our church family, and places demands on our time for more worldly activities.


We need You in these modern times of distractions and pandemics more than ever. Thank You for teaching us, as husband and wife, to draw closer to You and to steer our family away from worldly demands and toward more spiritual pursuits. We want to love You with our whole heart now and always.


Thought for the Day:

When we get married, we can let go of our personal preconceptions and expectations about marriage and embrace the reality of sharing our life with someone special, provided for us by God; nothing is more important to our life than involving our mate and family in making new goals according to God’s direction, as well as experiencing our life together with someone that we genuinely love and who loves us.