Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Giving Honor Where it is Due

 Bed of Orange Petaled Flower


God’s Word advises us that it is good to give thanks to the Lord. We sing praises to His name, for His loving kindness, and for His faithfulness that is steadfast from morning through the evening. We can use instruments or make music in our heart to honor His goodness to His children (Psalm 92; Ephesians 5:19). 


God’s command over nature is incredible. He spreads snow like wool, scatters frost like ashes, hurls hail down like pebbles, stirs up tornadoes and hurricanes and floods and earthquakes and no one can withstand the blasts of His icy winter storms (Psalm 147:16-18). Yet, He never forsakes or leaves us, and continually supplies all our needs (Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:19).


God does not look for people with natural talents and abilities to serve Him. His main criteria are to use people who honor and consult Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). He searches for people who put their hope in His ability to use them as well as in His unfailing, unconditional, Agape love (Psalm 147:10-11). 


He provides strong borders around us, and gives us peace with our family, friends, workmates, neighbors, and church family (Psalm 147:13-14). Daily, we acknowledge His glory, wisdom, power, and might as we give Him blessings, appreciation, and honor for ever and ever (Revelation 7:12).


God fills our heart with joy through His provision for us, and through His works in creation, in people all around us, through the salvation of many people that we know, and in His promises of our spending eternity with Him. Our union with His presence within us sustains us throughout our lifetime.


We make a daily effort to remember who God is, and what He continually does for us. This makes it easy for us to keep His commandments, to honor His judgements, and to respect His statutes. This practice keeps us from taking Him for granted for His abundant provision or from taking the credit for all that we have and all that He does in and through us (Deuteronomy 8:11-14).



Father God, You not only determine the number of stars, but You call each of the One Billion Trillion stars in our universe by name. Your power is great and limitless. You heal the brokenhearted by binding up our wounds, and You sustain the humble who rely on Your benevolence, which increases our joy (Psalm 147:1-6). Our soul boasts in You, and as Your Body, we exalt and magnify You together (Psalm 34:3-4, 69:30-31).


We sing to You from our overflow of thanksgiving. You cover the heavens with clouds, prepare rain for the earth, make grass to grow on the mountains, and You feed the wild beasts and birds of the air. (Psalm 147:7-9). We abundantly praise Your name in songs, magnify You, and we are glad of Your guidance for us each moment of every day and night.


Thought for the Day:

A farmer can relate to this verse better than most of us, but the message is the same for us all: 

Even if the fruit trees do not blossom, and fruit does not grow on the vines; if the olives fail to flourish and the fields do not yield their crops; if our herds get separated from the fold, and our stalls are empty, we will still glorify the name of the Lord of the Harvest, because He teaches us to be content in hunger and in plenty.

- Habakkuk 3:17-18; Philippians 4:12