Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Get Rich Quick

Close-Up Video Of Pink Flower


In today’s society, so many people live a stress-filled life. They are sick in body, soul, and spirit in their attempt to live up to the expectations of their own making, or those put on them by employer, spouse, parents, children, or extended family members, neighbors, and friends.


There are numerous multi-level companies in existence today, which promise that we can “get rich quick.” People use them to fulfill dreams of a special type of home, car, wardrobe, vacation trip, “toy,” new vocation, etc. Some are successful with this tool; however, most end up depleting their savings or going into debt. 


Other factors contributing to our poor health is a lack of sleep, joy, gratitude, and contentment. Added to these negative thoughts and emotions is a chemically-contaminated supply of food, water, oxygen, nutrients, sun over-exposure, as well as an over-consumption of nutrient-deficient food, and an overindulgence of recreational activities, passive pastimes, addictions, and hobbies.


Another issue is that much of what we eat is processed, refined, and full of poisonous chemicals and elements such as: sugar, gluten, hormones, and allergy-producing ingredients. We have no time to exercise, because we are “chained” to a desk, a cubicle, or an assembly line, etc. all day long. After work, we have chores, children, and spouse at home that need our attention every day.


We breathe too shallowly and eat too fast to properly chew our food, we drink too much alcohol, spend too little time in nature, use too many chemically-laden toiletries and cleaning products, expose our self to electro-magnetic radiation in appliances, phones, computers, etc.


Sadly, we also carry emotional and mental baggage with us from past years that cause us to live in a fight/flight, weary, withdrawn, and emotionally exhausted existence. However, there is hope for us in God’s redemption of our spirit, soul, and body. We simply walk in His Spirit, in His primary Biblical principles and advice, and with His presence within our spirit. 



Father God, no wonder we call this earthly existence the “rat race.” We often feel like we are trapped in a cage with no variance but a wire wheel that is going nowhere as fast as our legs can carry us. We get sicker and more discouraged with each passing year of our life, and we depend more and more on fast food and chemically laden medication with atrocious side effects. 


Draw us close to You, and never let us go (James 4:8; Jeremiah 29:12-14; Hebrews 13:5). Help us to submit our sin-filled life to Your redemption through admitting we are a sinner in need of Your Savior and believing in what Jesus Christ did for us on Calvary’s cross (John 3:16-18). Then, teach us to rely on You each moment of our day, rather than on our own human tendencies, and to walk in Your perfect plans for our life (Ephesians 2:10). 


Thought for the Day:

We are a friend of God, a co-heir with Jesus Christ, and a student of God’s Holy Spirit’s guidance as we depend only on God’s Trinity’s purpose for our life; as we do, God is all we need, all we want, and the fulfillment of all our desires both in this life and throughout eternity. 

- John 15:15-17; Romans 8:16-18; John 16:13; Colossians 3:3-4