Wednesday, May 4, 2022

God's Persistent Call



Tulips, Flowers, Field, Pink Tulips

Our cat, Calique, taps on our shoulder with her paw when she wants our attention. She will not take “no” for an answer as she persistently begs us to spend time with her. I always giggle when I feel that determined patting, because she is so sweet about it – insistent, but not aggressive or over-powering.


Christina is our promised “lap cat”, and she fulfills her reputation benevolently throughout the day. Of course, we do not always sit still long enough, or sit with a lap empty enough of computer or some project for her to sit in our lap. However, both cats come to us to fulfill their need for the attention they crave.


I feel God tapping me for attention as I wake each morning, do my chores throughout the day, and fall asleep each night. He loves His dear children and He sent Jesus, our brother, to die in our place to atone for our sins. This allows us to spend eternity in His presence (John 3:16-17).


We are the “apple of His eye” – His pride and joy (Zechariah 2:8). He rejoices over all His authentic, Born Again adopted children in song (Zephaniah 3:17). He looks forward to the day of our death even more than the day of our birth – not in a mean or vindictive way, but because He loves our company and looks forward to spending eternity with us (Psalm 116:15; John 11:25-26; Ecclesiastes 7:1). 


How often do we heed God’s call to us as individuals? Do we set aside time to spend in worshipping Him with our whole heart and to listen to His still, small voice as He directs our steps? A quick trip to the restroom, a break from chores with our feet propped up on the recliner and no social media or TV program distracting us from giving Him our undivided attention, etc. will give us this opportunity (1 Kings 19:11-13).


Soon, we will be the ones initiating time to enjoy His presence, which abides within us. We cannot live a fulfilled life without His presence. We consult Him before making any plans, and on which of our many daily duties we should get involved in next. Our day always runs more smoothly when we walk according to His perfect plans and timing for our life (Ephesians 2:10).



Father God, thank You for giving us Your peace within our spirit when You are directing our paths. Our soul – thoughts, emotions, and choices – may feel conflict over the direction You want to send us, because at times Your ways and timing make no human sense. Thank You for teaching us to walk by faith in the unseen, rather than in the concrete aspects of life that we used to count on for security.


Your ability to see the end from the beginning of our lifetime makes You the foremost authority for us to follow each moment of our day (Psalm 139:1-18). We put our total trust in You alone, and we enjoy confidence in Your faithfulness to us in every aspect of our life. Thank You for helping us to make a frequent searching inventory of our body, soul, and spirit to discern areas where we need to surrender something to You more completely (Psalm 139:23-24).


Thoughts for the Day:

As we take notice of God’s efforts to get our attention throughout the day, our individual intimacy with Him increases incrementally. He is our whole life, and we strive to enter His rest as He works in and through us to accomplish His will on the earth and for eternity. We live, move, and have our center and our entire focus on Christ in us. 

- Colossians 3:3-4; Hebrews 4:9-16, 13:21; Philippians 2:13; Isaiah 26:12; Psalm 90:17; Acts 17:28