Monday, May 9, 2022

Our Calling to Freedom

Flower, Vase, Multicoloured, Pink


There is no freedom in this life that is better, more fulfilling, or more complete than that which we find in a life dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, we can stand firm in His love, enjoy His peace and joy, and refuse to submit again to the encumbrances of sin’s slavery (Galatians 2:4, 5:1; John 8:36). With the Lord’s Spirit within us, we can walk in daily victory (2 Corinthians 3:17).


There are two principles that operate in our life. One is the law of sin and death, and the other is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Of course, the first one keeps us in bondage to our flesh, satanic forces, and chaotic worldly influences. The second is where true freedom is found (Romans 8:2).


Our Father God calls us to walk in the freedom of Christ and His Spirit; however, He cautions us not to use this freedom as an excuse to live according to our fleshly desires. He also encourages us to prove our love by serving each other (1 Peter 2:16). Love is not only a feeling, but an action as well. 


In fact, we may not feel love toward a person, but we share with them the love of God in us by taking an interest in their life, helping them in any way that God leads us to help, and listening to them as we spend time with them. It does not require hours of time, but we simple care about them enough to contact them as the Spirit prompts us to do so (Galatians 5:13).


As we mature spiritually, we are set free by God’s Truth (John 8:32). God’s Spirit anoints us to share the Good News of the Gospel with the humble, to proclaim His liberty to those in bondage to sin, to pray for the sick, to help the oppressed to understand our freedom in Christ, and to declare the eventual reign of Jesus, our Christ and King, over every nation of the world (Luke 4:18-19).



Father God, thank You that You are faithful to us every moment of every day. You will not allow sin to tempt us beyond our ability through Jesus in us to use Your option to escape the temptation, as well as to secure the benefit of not reaping the consequences of that sin (1 Corinthians 10:13). Remind us to listen to You and to dwell securely without dreading the disastrous outcome of a sinful lifestyle (Proverbs 1:33).


As our Abba Father, You gained our trust in You alone to enable us to walk on Your straight and narrow path (Matthew 7:13-14). You adopted us as Your children, and we have nothing to fear (Romans 8:15). You give us Your power and love and a sensible mind so that we have no anxiety as we trust in You alone (2 Timothy 1:7; Psalm 56:4). Your Truth sets us free from stress, worry, panic (John 8:32). We love You with our whole heart, and we are so grateful for who You are to us, and who we are to You.


Thoughts for the Day:

The Good News of the Gospel of Christ is that our old carnal nature was crucified with Jesus in order to irradicate sinful practices from our life. This frees us from slavery to a sinful lifestyle (Romans 6:6-7). God also forgave us of all our sins the moment we repented and requested that Jesus save us from them (Acts 10:43).