Monday, May 30, 2022

Jesus' Divine Life in Us

Free photos of Roses


As authentic Born Again Believers, we have the divine life of Jesus within us (2 Peter 1:3-4; Galatians 2:20). Out of His presence within us flows rivers of living water (John 7:38). As we walk in the Spirit, we no longer carry out the desires of our flesh, because we follow Him one step at a time throughout our day (Galatians 5:15-25).


We Christians tend to compartmentalize our life into work, family, play, and lastly, we worship with other Believers, but only if we have the time, we are not too tired , if it is not raining or snowing, or we do not have out-of-town family visiting with us. When we view God as way up on His throne in heaven, it is easier to compromise our thoughts and behavior. 


However, the reality of the Christian life is that Christ lives within us (Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:3-4; Acts 17:28). If we partake in some activity that would grieve the Lord, we cannot separate our self from Him to experience it. He must endure our most sinful acts from within us. We drag Him right down into our pit of degradation. 


This realization puts a whole new perspective on our thoughts, words, emotions, and activities. God intends for our entire life to be lived as a form of worship to Him. He equips us with His wisdom and ability to perform the work, which He created for us to do before the beginning of time (Ephesians 2:8-10). 


Paul exhorts us to do even the most mundane things, such as eating and drinking, for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). We do not withdraw from life in order to worship Him, even though worshipping Him is the main focus of our life. We unashamedly live in devotion to God. We exist as a praise to His name (Hebrews 13:15). 


This causes us to forsake sin and its consequences, live as a Biblical testimony of a Christian life, and continually worship Christ in us with our body, soul, and spirit. God in Christ abides in us by His Spirit, who dwells in our spirit and imparts His life into our thoughts, emotions, body, and choices (Romans 8:6, 10-11; Colossians 3:3-4). 



Father God, thank You that Your Spirit within us is Your guarantee that we belong to You as Your adopted children (Ephesians 1:14; 2 Corinthians 1:22). We start out our Christian life by desiring to control our own existence rather than to submit to You and to love You above all else. We refuse to submit to Your will, ways, and timing for each moment of our day, and we make our own plans. However, we quickly lose this lifestyle as we gradually adopt a way of living that focuses on worshipping You. 


If we are converted, we can claim You as our Father; however, if we continue to live in unbelief, apart from faith in Jesus and His redemption (Ephesians 1:7-14), we are not Your children. We prove our love for You by obeying Your commandments (John 14:15-31), trusting in You with our whole heart (Proverbs 3:5-6), and walking in Your ways (Deuteronomy 5:33). We know we are a Christian as we allow Jesus to live His life in and through us (1 John 2:3-6). 


Thoughts for the Day:

Happy is the person who does not cave in under the temptations of satanic forces, the world, and our own fleshly desires. We look forward to the promised crown of life that God assures us is ours if we love Him, and we walk in His timing and ways. God’s Spirit keeps us from seditious thoughts and actions that lead to an eternity in Hell’s flames rather than in the glories of Heaven in God’s presence. We know we are a Christian as we allow Jesus to live His life in and through us.

- James 1:12-16; 1 John 2:3-6