Thursday, May 19, 2022

Sinner or Saint

 Free photos of Rose


Prior to accepting the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross for our own life, sin controlled our life. Satanic forces whispered self-talk that kept us defeated, feeling unloved, and self-medicating by using sin to nurture our soul. This self-defeating behavior kept us in bondage.


When we came to Christ in total surrender, He freed us from our fleshly nature and gave us His righteousness in exchange. We are no longer slaves to sin (Romans 6:15-23). We no longer live in habitual, excessive, obsessive sin and behavior. We are free in Christ (Galatians 5:1-25). We still sin occasionally when our flesh is weak, but we do not regularly practice sin.


If our flesh is tempted to sin, we simply remember that it is already dead, and hidden with Christ in God. Jesus is our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4; Romans 7:25). When we view any temptation through the eyes of the Spirit living within us, the sin loses its appeal for us.


We realize that we would much rather live righteously through Christ than unrighteously through our old, dead flesh. We are a new creation freed from the power of sin through the divinity of Christ who dwells in us by His Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). We follow His guidance and direction each moment of our day.


If we attempt to initiate or to serve in a ministry for the glory of God, and the Spirit did not lead us to serve in that area, we will never find His anointing in it. Rather than make our plans and pray for God to bless them, we consult the Lord for His plans for us each moment of the day. 


As Henry Blackaby stated, “We find out what God is doing, and we join Him.”



Father God, thank You that sin has no more power over us; therefore, we live a victorious life through Christ in us, both now and for all of eternity (James 1:25). Teach us to draw from the strength of Your divinity within us for healing, wisdom, strength, righteousness, and direction. Thank You that we are free from the law of sin and death, by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2). We are no longer a sinner, but Your forgiven Saints.


Daily, we live as a witness to others of the love and nurture of the eternal, triune Godhead living within us (Romans 8:4). The fruit of Your Spirit replaces our carnality (Galatians 5:15-25). Sin no longer has power over us, because of Your grace ruling in our heart (Romans 6:14). Since Your only begotten Son set us free, we are absolutely free to live a life of holiness (John 8:36; Romans 6:18). 


Thoughts for the Day:

God’s divine power enables us to excel in our vocation, spiritual calling, and family relationships through His divine life within us (Colossians 1:27). His Spirit also empowers us to have the courage to boldly share the gospel with everyone we meet. Not in a preachy or condemning manner, but in the spirit of love and peace with the gentle words that He gives us (Ephesians 6:19).