Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Pleasures of Prayer

 Free photos of Dandelion


If we sit before the Lord in our spirit, and wait on Him, He rewards us with the most intimate experience known to mankind. We connect spirit to Spirit and find more fulfillment than we are capable of discovering in any other earthly relationship.


Our whole outlook, world view, and goals in life change for the better. We are converted by His Spirit and by the blood of the Lamb, we place our hope in unseen things, we no longer stive for worldly acclaim, and we are totally led by God’s Spirit (Psalm 131:1-3; Romans 8:14; Galatians 4:6).


Our soul – our thoughts, choices, and emotions – takes on the persona of a little child as Jesus encourages us to become (Matthew 18:3). We are vulnerable, playful, trusting, and adoring in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our soul is like a little child within us (Psalm 131:2).


God calls us to come boldly to His throne each moment of the day (Hebrews 4:16). We talk freely and with unfiltered and honest words to our Lord, without flowery requests and hidden agendas. Accepting our weaknesses as a sign of our humanity releases us from the shame associated with our mistakes (2 Corinthians 12:8-10).


When we diligently seek Him in prayer, we receive His protection in our vulnerability (Psalm 34:4;). We can trust in Him anytime we are afraid (Psalm 56:3). Our trials are often far beyond our human ability to endure, but we can rely on God to see us through each one with health in our body, soul, and spirit until He takes us home to Heaven (2 Corinthian 1:8-11). 


We bring every concern to God in prayer, because He cares for us. Although Satan roams around roaring and looking for prey to devoir, those who place their faith in the grace of God will enjoy fulfillment, strength, support, and authentication in His will and through the pleasure of positive results to our prayers (2 Corinthians 1:8-11). 



Father God, thank You for transforming our stress and fears with Your love, peace, and joy (Philippians 4:6-7; Psalm 29:11). As we steadfastly focus on Your face before us, rather than on our negative circumstances as we trust in You alone, You keep us in Your perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). You shower us with Your wisdom as we seek Your guidance in every decision we are faced with in life (James 1:5; Proverbs 2:3-6; 2 Chronicles 1:10). 


We yoke up with You and give You all our burdens (Matthew 11:29-30). You sustain us, keep our head above the tumultuous waters, and helps us to stand firm and not to be moved (Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7; Romans 10:13). When we call on You to care for and bless us, we receive Your mercy and grace in every time of need (Luke 18:13). You miraculously deliver us through every trial (Acts 12:5-8).


Thoughts for the Day:

People who seek wealth often fall into a snare, and their foolish, harmful desires plunge them into destructive behavior and its consequences. This causes them to fall away from their faith in God and to reap grief and sorrow for themselves. However, those who trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, and will not be moved, but stand firm in our faith in Him through the trials of life and into eternity.

- 1 Timothy 6:9-10; Psalm 125:1