Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Who Gets the Credit?

Free photos of Flowers


Our Father of glory gives us the spirit of wisdom and reveals to us the knowledge of Himself. He opens the eyes of our understanding and gives us hope for our inheritance in Him. He also imparts to us His power to accomplish His will for our life. This power is as mighty as He gave to Christ to raise Himself from the dead (Ephesians 1:17-21).


From His first advent to earth, as a baby in a manger, Jesus then grew into a man. He accomplished great miracles and gave God all the glory for using Him in them according to God’s plans for Jesus (John 17:4-5). When Jesus returns to earth as King in His second coming as a conquering hero, His glory given to Him by our Father God will fill the whole earth (Habakkuk 2:14). 


At that time, every tongue on earth, in heaven, and under the earth in hell shall confess that Jesus is Lord of lords for the glory of God our Heavenly Father (Philippians 2:11). We too can look forward to the glory of the Lord settling our reward on us for living in His will for our life (Isaiah 58:8).


God’s Word encourages a husband to love his wife as Jesus loves His Bride, the church, and sacrificed His life to pay our sin debt (Ephesians 5:25). In eternity, God will reveal to us what is a mystery now – the riches of His glory for us is Christ in us (Colossians 1:27). God loves those who love Him (Provers 8:17).


God carved our name on the palm of His hands, and He keeps us safely inside the walls He built around us (Isaiah 49:16). He promises that when we ask, we receive; those who seek Him, always find Him; and we have the door opened for us when we knock (Matthew 7:7-12).


The consequence of sin is death, but God sent Jesus to redeem us from an unholy lifestyle and to present to us His gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23). We find the solace and salvation we seek on this earth in God alone. He is our glory, the Rock of our strength, and our ever-present Refuge (Psalm 62:7). 



Father God, thank You that we are precious in Your sight when we are honorable in thought, word, and deed, as well as when we love You with our whole heart (Isaiah 43:4). You gave us Jesus as our door, and when we enter in, You save us from our self, give us Your eternal life, and provide for all our needs. Satan is the deceiver, and the father of lies. He comes like a thief by the darkness of night to kill, steal, and destroy us (John 10:9-10).


The life that we enjoy in Your daily presence is full of abundant peace, joy, wisdom, love, and strength. Thank You that Jesus is our good and faithful shepherd and that He gave His life for us, His sheep (John 10:11). When we labor and have a heavy load to bear in life, You give us rest. As we take Your yoke on our shoulders, rather than one of our own making - with the load of doubt and cares and our own plans, we find true rest for our ladened soul. 


Thoughts for the Day:

When we receive Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, believe on His name, and walk in His Spirit, He gives us the power to become His adopted children. God’s yoke is easy, and His burden is light - not only because He is yoked with us to pull the load, but also because He leads us to work in His timing and way.

- John 1:12; Matthew 11:28-30