Friday, September 23, 2022

Pray Before Speaking


Have you ever blurted out your thoughts without processing them through your spirit first (James 3:6)? It is easy to wound others and to grieve the Holy Spirit with our thoughts, words, and actions (Ephesians 4:17-32). God’s Word instructs us to guard our tongue (Ephesians 4:25, 5:4; Colossians 3:8). 


This keeps us from speaking foolish, hurtful, blasphemous, lying, deceitful, and indecent words. If we never offend others with our words, Jesus’ half-brother, James, considers us a perfect person and able to discipline our entire body from lusting after sinful behavior (James 3:2). Of course, none of us is perfect yet. 


Using the Lord’s name other than in prayer and praise (Hebrews 13:15) is offensive to Him, and He holds us accountable for this behavior (Exodus 20 7; Deuteronomy 5:11; Psalm 111:9). Our Father God wants us to offer the sacrifice of praise and to continually speak only good and edifying words that minister grace to those who hear them (Ephesians 4:29).


We are wise when we think before we speak, and check with God’s Spirit before we say anything to anyone, especially those closest to us (Psalm 141:3). If we think about something in our heart, our mouth will probably speak it (Proverbs 23:7). Keeping a watch over our thoughts will help us not to blurt out words that offend God and our friends, family, neighbors, and community (Luke 6:45). 


It also allows us to speak the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11), rather than our emotionally packed words of insult and defamation. God wants us to seek Him first and to help to heal hurting hearts, misguided behavior, and the innocent and grieving soul. 



Father God, thank You for teaching us how to minister grace through our words, rather than to speak gossip and unedifying words (Ephesians 4:29). We want to encourage our family, acquaintances, and those we love, rather than to tear them down with insults, sarcasm, twisted humor, curses, slander, and gossip. We desire to speak only words of kindness, encouragement, validation, enthusiasm, and compliments.


Give us Your wisdom and grace in our speech and help us to faithfully edify and build up others with them (Colossians 4:6). Remind us that a soft and gracious answer deflates quarrels, but argumentative or angry words will escalate the disagreement and maybe part friends forever (Provers 15:1-2). We want You to use us to bring healing, peace, and joy to those You bring into our life in Your timing and way.


Thoughts for the Day:

Derogatory and hurtful words are grievous and part the best of friends; but kind words secure our bond with those God puts in our path. We cannot take back our words that we speak, so filtering our thoughts, keeping a guard on our tongue, and praying before we speak will give us a better chance of not bringing an offense or wounding those we love.