Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Good Marriage - The Power of Prayer

green grass field near sea under white clouds at daytime

Praying together as a couple is a powerful tool in our marriage. Waging spiritual warfare together will keep Satan and his minions out of our business, attitudes and behavior. It will keep us pure in thought, word and deed so that we can avoid sexual or moral deviances.

Jesus already disarmed the devil at Calvary, and he only has the power that we grant to him by our words, attitude and behavior. As we pray together, God pours out His fruit in our life. He gives us His power, righteousness and affection for one another, so that our marriage will stay strong.

Over the years, we can either accumulate harsh feelings toward one another, or we can pray together about the topics that irritate us, in order to gain power over them. Our union can mirror the love that Jesus has for His bride, and His example teaches us how to love one another (Ephesians 5:31-32).

Asking God's blessing on our union is a prayer worth praying. We petition God to bless our spouse with His love, peace and grace, to keep us in the center of His will as a couple, and to give us compassion and understanding for each other.

Reading books and online articles about improving our marriage always helps. We often glean ideas that make us a better spouse, or we are convicted in areas where we need to improve. Growing together as mates increases our intimacy.

Prayer helps us to draw near to God as a couple, then we can resist Satan's plans to kill our love, steal our affections from each other, and destroy our marriage. Together our prayers increase our spiritual power, holiness and commitment to the Lord.

Father God, teach us that when we encounter a trial in life, either separately or together, prayer will connect us to Your wisdom to gain victory over the circumstances, to support each other in these issues, and to change our attitude or focus in order to increase our love for one another. Our faith in Your faithfulness grows as we see Your hand in our relationship.

Help us to realize that our emotional, spiritual, and mental connection with each other improves as we pray together about some concern in our individual or shared life. We learn not to take one another for granted, and to honor and cherish the place our spouse has in our life. Teach us that the weaknesses in our relationship may come from wounds from our past, and to find a third alternative in every argument on which we can both agree.

Thought for the Day:
As we pray together for our marriage and the issues that we face each day, deep healing comes to the wounds we endure in life; and we truly become one flesh and want what is best to bless each other in addition to our self.