Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Merely Human, but Divinely Energized

two white daisies

As human beings, we all make mistakes. Episodes of failures litter the pathway of our past. None of us is perfect or better than anyone else. In reality, our insufficiency is a blessing, because it proves to us that we have a need for a savior to protect us from our self; and that Savior is Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Light of the world that came down into our darkness. He is the Truth in the midst of so many lies from our flesh, the world and the devil. He is the only Way to spend eternity with God, and the only true source of Life that anyone has ever met (John 14:6).

God's Word is our comfort, it gives us strength, it guides our steps and it nourishes our soul as it matures our spirit. His grace is sufficient for us (2 Corinthians 12:9), and it brings lifelong sanctification to our soul. His love, in and through us, makes us a new creation, and changes the world around us (2 Corinthians 5:17).

God's Spirit is ready, willing and able to meet us right where we are and to mature us into Saints of God. We simply need to invite Jesus to abide in us and to change us from the inside out. He takes our obsession with our self and exchanges it for a new focus on Him.

Our seemingly insurmountable, heavy burdens weigh us down, but Christ in us cleanses us, renews our vision and faith, and encourages us with His strength when we feel helpless. God fuels our spirit, restores our spiritual sight, and adopts us into His family.

His power is made perfect in our weakness; therefore, we can rejoice in our insufficiencies, because it is then that Christ's strengths empower us (2 Corinthians 12:9). If we allow Satan to convince us that we are alone in this world, we fail.

However, if we realize that we are one with God's Trinity within us, we are never alone or forsaken (Psalm 37:25; Hebrews 13:5-6). His abiding presence within us sustains us each moment of the day. We never face any tribulation alone, and God plants a seed for a miracle in each and every trial.

Father God, thank You for Your plan to have Your perfect, only begotten Son pay the penalty for our sins, so that we can enjoy Your blessings and the privilege of living as Your adopted children. We are so thrilled that Your entire Godhead abides permanently in the spirit of every authentic Born Again Believer.

You separated us from our mother's womb and called us to Yourself by Your grace, in order to reveal to our world that Your Son richly dwells in us (2 Corinthians 6:17). Give us Your power to share this love with our world, and to be Your instruments as life-changers, so we can make a difference in the lives that You touch through us.

Thought for the Day:
It pleases God to reveal His Son in us, so that we can help Him to transform our world; when we walk in obedience to His Spirit, we do not need to feel the slightest bit of hesitation, because we abide in His fortress, which allows us to enjoy protection from the enemies of our faith.