Thursday, October 31, 2019

Knowing God Personally

 waterfalls surrounded by trees under cloudy sky

In an elevator at the hospital, I complimented the cross a lady was wearing. She thanked me, and I asked her if she knew the Jesus who died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins. She replied, "Well, not personally."

Before the elevator arrived at our floor, I told her that Jesus would love a personal relationship with her, and He was only a heart-felt prayer away. She hung her head in thought as the elevator doors slid open, and we both went our separate ways.

God proved His love for us, before we were ever born, by sending Jesus to die for us (Romans 5:8; Ephesians 1:4, 2:10). As our Shepherd, He knows each one of us personally, and we follow Him as we listen to His voice (John 10:27).

No one and nothing - except our own thoughts, word, emotions and actions - can ever disturb this union we have with our Father God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. He gives us eternal life to spend with Him in His Kingdom (John 10:27-28). 

All of our accomplishments, healing, serenity, fulfillment, etc. come from God (John 1:3). He looks forward to spending time with us each day, as we sit at His feet and learn from Him or as we walk in His Spirit at work, home and play (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

The closer we draw to Him, the more intimate He becomes with us (James 4:8). What greater privilege can anyone experience than for the God of the Universe to abide within us and to walk with us through each new day?

Father God, remind us that we show our love back to You by praising You and listening to You all though the day, by worshipping You with other Believers, by living out the evidence of Your love in our life, by telling others the Gospel story, by sharing our resources with those in need, and simply by inviting people to visit us at our local church.

We can simplify our life in order to make more room for loving You, for listening to You, worshipping You, and following Your will for every moment of our day. Our intimacy with You grows and matures as we walk in Your precepts. Remind us to take some time to listen to You today, because You are always within us and are only a prayer away.

Thought for the Day:
Our Father God lives inside of each and every one of us by His Holy Spirit, and though He is in us, He is also on His throne in Heaven; Jesus, our brother and co-heir, is in Heaven beside Him, interceding for us with the Father and protecting us from Satan’s wiles.