Monday, October 21, 2019

God Loved us First

rock formation seashore

If we say that we love God, but we harbor unforgiveness in our heart toward someone, God's Word calls us a liar. It makes sense that if we cannot love someone that we can see, we do not really love our Supreme Being whom we have never seen (1 John 4:20).

This is not as restrictive as it sounds. When someone wounds us deeply, it is hard for us to get over it. However, forgiveness has nothing to do with how we feel; yet, everything pertaining to how we act.

God never calls us to like someone, but simply to allow Him to love them through us. This is an awesome testimony to our adversaries. Unless they are cold-hearted, or deeply wounded themselves, they cannot help but resolve the conflict with us when they experience this sacrificial love.

Of course, we do not have to spend hours of time with them, or hang out with them in social gathers. We simply follow the direction of God's Spirit whenever He puts us in the same vicinity with them.

Everyone needs love. They want to feel cherished, cared for and needed. When they do not receive this affirmation, they get discouraged and lose hope. As we love others, we show gratitude to God, and prove to the world that we are followers of Jesus Christ (John 13:34-35).

God’s Agape love transcends the physical and emotional realms of life. Christ’s love is self-sacrificing, yet not codependent. Christ does not encourage us to stop caring for our own needs. If we do not love our self first, we can never love someone else (Mark 12:31).

The balance in enjoying a healthy sense of love for our “self” here has nothing to do with selfish ambition or vain conceit, but with humility in considering others better than our selves (Philippians 2:3) at the same time that we make sure our needs are met as well.

Father God, the love that You want for us and in us defies natural affection, and loves in spite of the recipient’s attitude and behavior. Your love works miracles in people’s lives. We receive Your love unconditionally; therefore, we can love our self and others unconditionally too.

You loved us before we even knew You (Romans 5:8). When we share Your love with others, we bring glory and honor to Your name. You showed us how to love one another deeply, from the heart (1 Peter 1:22). We rejoice when others rejoice, and we cry when others hurt, but most of all, we forgive even our vilest offender, simply because You forgave us.

Thought for the Day:
God calls us to love others as Jesus loves us, and He loved us enough to leave the riches of Heaven, even though we are completely unlovable and sinful; this level of love inspires us to demonstrate this same love to our self, and to one another, as we reflect the joy and peace found only in Jesus, and we are an extension of Christ’s love to everyone in our sphere of influence.