Thursday, October 31, 2019

Our Victorious Life

landscape photography of asphalt road in front of mountain

Once we come to Christ, we do not need to wonder if we will have to endure the persecution of the Great Tribulation. The Lord promises to protect us from this trying time, which He planned in order to test those left behind (Revelation 3:10).

Our "lot in life" is victorious, when we walk through it with Christ in us and with us. We are no longer victims of the times in which we live. As citizens of Heaven, we are now foreigners and aliens in this world (1 Peter 2:11).

We often blame our parents for our troubles. We decide that if they had been better at their parenting skills, we would be more successful in life at this time. This is a serious mistake. Not taking the responsibility for our own choices cripples us for life.

Our past does not identify us, and our future does not concern us, once we learn to follow the leading of God's Spirit each minute of the day. This very moment is the only time that we are guaranteed, so we can make the best of each precious one.

We are not victims of our circumstances. We all have the ability to choose to walk in God's will for our life. We impact our life by seeking God before making our plans. Pursuing the Lord's timing teaches us to trust Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

The book of Acts shows us that the apostles did not even allow imprisonment to stop their mission in life. While in jail, they sang praises to God even though they were in chains. We can follow their example, and be bold and committed to God, regardless of our circumstances.

Father God, teach us that even when our circumstances imprison us, we too can grow bolder, speak louder, and share longer, regardless of a person's status or authority - even if they intend to keep us from proclaiming the Good News of Salvation through Christ. We want to accomplish Your will during each new experience - pleasant or painful.

Remind us that by focusing on You and listening to Your Spirit, we allow You to use us mightily. Following Your timing and guidance, we too can accomplish all that You plan for us during each new day. You call each of us to live as a testimony to Your grace, provision and nurturing, in order to be a witness to the lost world around us, by showing them that You care for Your own.

Thought for the Day:
Satan delights in using our stressed out lives, unfit bodies, and exhausted emotions in his efforts to create hindrances in our road to intimacy with God; if we whine and complain, we make people wonder if God really does make a difference in a person's life.