Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nothing is too Hard for God

Grand Canyon Arizona

God's presence in the life of every Authentic Born Again Believer is irreplaceable, incomparable, inclusive, inherited, intriguing, imposing, intricate, intense, infusing, and inspiring. He is the ever-present help in our time of need (Psalm 46:1).

The Lord God made the entire universe, setting it in motion. By His great power and His outstretched arm, He keeps it swirling about the heavens with precision and order. There is nothing too hard for Him to accomplish in His timing and way (Jeremiah 23:17).

He is our great and mighty God, the Lord of the heavenly hosts, excelling in wisdom and actions. He filled the earth with terror by His faithfulness to His chosen Israel (Jeremiah 23:18-21). In these modern times, He returned the land to Abraham's descendants.

There is nothing too hard for the Lord to accomplish according to His will, way and timing (Genesis 18:14; Jeremiah 23:27). He makes an everlasting covenant with His people, and He delights in blessing us and planting us in the center of His will for us (Jeremiah 23:40-41).

Even with His stellar reputation, we often grumble against the Lord. We fail to observe His Hand in our circumstances until He puts the last piece of the puzzle in place. Then we see the reasons behind His purpose for us, and we see how patience had her perfect work in us (James 1:4; Ephesians 2:10).

Our Father already knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). He forgives our faithlessness because He knows how the future will eventually play out. He dwells in eternity rather than in time, and we can trust Him with our future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Father God, we often sit back and chuckle at Your goodness and humor. You generally wait until the last minute to deliver us from the blazing trial, and when You do, we rejoice with all of our might. You are our great God, mighty in delivering us and generous in Your abundant provision for all of our needs. It is amazing that although You dwell in eternity, You are concerned and care about the trials in our individual lives.

Your Word is full of testimonies of Your supernatural help in times of need. Help us to trust in You with our whole heart, because there is nothing too hard for You. Even when our path is darkened by horrendous circumstances, You shine Your light and show us the way through it. We give You all of the praise and honor due to Your name.

Thought for the Day:
As we put our whole life - including our aspirations, fears, anxieties, insecurities and passion - in God's capable hands, He enables us to walk under the direction of His Spirit and to look for the seed for a miracle that He plants within every fiery trial.