Friday, October 18, 2019

Victory in a Broken Life

focus photo of orange petaled flower

Living in disobedience to God's desires often leads us down an imperfect, uphill path filled with failing dreams, destructive behavior, satanic lies, a broken heart, and disappointments. When we choose to pursue our own agenda in this life, we often thwart God's perfect plan for us.

We impede God's desire to bless us, and to put us on a straight path on which we will discover His hidden miracles designed just for us as individuals. His constant presence within us is the greatest gift we could ever experience in this life, and it leads us into our eternal life to come.

Thankfully, we can select what we focus on, what we give our attention to, what we pursue with passion, and what we work towards (Philippians 2:12-13). Choosing God's plans gives us the success that we need and the fulfillment that we crave (Jeremiah 29:11).

We find true value and validation in His courts and under the shadow of His wings (Psalm 91). God walks in and with us through every struggle, trauma and tribulation that we will ever experience. He gives us the victory and matures our spirit.

By walking in His ways, we reduce the number of trials we endure in life, because we cut out those of our own making. We never need to experience the heart-stopping trauma of facing any issue alone, because He abides within us and walks with us.

When, as the sacrificial Lamb, Jesus took our sin upon His shoulders, He suffered the loss of our Father's presence, because God withdrew from our sin (Matthew 27:46). We owe Him a debt of gratitude for His suffering and death alone on the cross.

Taking the time to cultivate our faith in God's faithfulness will allow us to reap from a garden full of His wonders. His Word is full of examples of His personal care of everyone who allows Him to form an intimate relationship with Him.

If we are humble enough to admit that our sins nailed Jesus to the cross, turn away from our sins, and trust the Lord with our whole heart, soul and strength, we can harvest from our union with Him each and every moment of our day.

Father God, we may feel distanced from Your presence, but that is due to our own disconnection from our union with You. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking us (Hebrews 13:5). You walk with us and in us, assuring us of Your love, filling us with Your peace - even in the most trying of circumstances, perfecting us with Your patience (James 1:4-8), and giving us Your wisdom to traverse the most difficult of trials that we face.

Your unconditional love is always ready to reach down into the lowest hell that life dishes out to us, and to ransom us from the negative effects that we would experience without Your presence in our life. Thank You for opening doors for us that no one can close, for providing straight paths for us in order to protect us from uphill battles (Psalm 27:11), and for showering us with Your abundant provision every day of our life.

Thought for the Day:
Although our life may not be idyllic this side of Heaven, God's presence within us reduces the importance and effects of the negative consequences inherent in these trials; we no longer focus on the pain, inconveniences, struggles and negative emotions that accompany them, because we stand firm on His Living Word.
- Philippians 4:8