Friday, October 25, 2019

Invisible People

photo of clouds covering the sun

Do you ever feel invisible? People tend to ignore us, overlook us or even have some prejudice about us because of our age, ethnicity, looks, flaws, address, and/or clothing. Even when people ask us a question, their mind wanders when we answer it.

I prayed about this some years ago, and the Lord loving answered, "It is not your problem, it is theirs." People today have no attention span, some are more interested in their own thoughts than in really hearing our viewpoint, their mind often wanders to other conversations going on around us, etc.

Sometimes the answers that we give people are too wordy, and we can learn to give just the main details of our answer instead; however, not many people learned the art of truly listening with compassion and interest in the other person.

We can change this phenomenon in our world by truly paying attention to other people, asking them how they are and inquiring about their week or their family, and then actively focusing on their answer with our undivided attention.

Everyone is important and needs to feel valued and cared about. As we are out in public, we can really change a person's day by smiling at them, and saying hello to everyone who gives us eye contact. This habit can help them to feel validated as a human being that matters.

To let people know that you really "see" them and care about them as an individual, ask a retail clerk, a fellow patient in the doctor's office, the person behind you in the check-out line, etc. a simple question or comment, like:
"How is your day going?"
"What book are you reading?"
"Are you here for a routine check-up or for some specific issue?"
"I like your… (hair, outfit, smile, etc.)".

Some people are too private or shy to talk to strangers, so we do not press them into a conversation. Just that little bit of attention from us may warm their heart, though. These attempts to reach out to others may even open the door for us to share Christ with them.

Father God, remind us that Your Trinity lives within us and that You want to use us to reach out to those that You bring our way. Give us Your patience and wisdom during these divine appointments, and help us to open the door to an eternity with You for as many people as will respond to our efforts to reach out to them.

Remind us of all the people in our life that made us feel special by a sincere inquiry or comment. Allow this thought to spur us on to give this same attention to others that You bring our way. We want those that You direct into our life to experience Christ in us as we do in others. Help us to remain sensitive to the leading of Your Spirit and to obey His prompting to reach out to fellow sojourners in our world.

Thought for the Day:
When we take the time to catch the eye of those passing us in this harried world in which we live, our smile for them and our brief "Hello" may assure them that they matter, and that they are not alone in the chaos and uncertainty that surrounds us all.