Thursday, October 10, 2019

Raised with Christ

close-up photography of green leaf plant

We look forward to being raised with Christ when He comes for His bride; however, we need to realize that, once we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are already raised with Him. Our life is hidden with Christ in God, and Jesus is our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4).

Therefore, we set our heart on heavenly aspects rather than earthly things (Colossians 3:1-2), just as the early Church did.
John the Baptist ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Church has been forcefully advancing it ever since (Matthew 11:12).

Satan may attempt to sidetrack us, thwart our efforts or discourage us, but if we make Him our whole life during our lifetime, our life is secure with Christ. When Jesus does appear for His second coming, we will appear with Him in Glory (Colossians 3:3-4).

Starting with our own life, we want nothing more than for God's will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:9-10). The more we center our mind on God, the more peace we enjoy. Our thoughts are less self-centered and more focused on the positive (Philippians 4:8).

God's peace floods our spirit and soul (Philippians 4:9), and His presence in us guards and guides us throughout the day. When our mind is controlled by God's Holy Spirit, we enjoy life and peace as we further God's Kingdom on this earth (Romans 8:5-6).

When we do not receive what we desire and pray for, we are most often asking for something outside of the will of God for us (James 4:3). Yet, when our love for God is authentic, and we put God's desires foremost in our thoughts and prayers and actions, we see phenomenal results.

We do ask for what we need, but we do not strive to make it happen. We wait on the Lord, who hears our prayers, and who knows the amazing future plans that He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). He fills us with the fruit of His Spirit, and He abides within us every moment of every day (Romans 8:6).

Father God, we are Your redeemed, and we need to take every opportunity to say so (Psalm 107:2-8). The desires of our flesh, the world, and the devil bring us destruction; but as we focus on Your desires, which You give to us (Psalm 37:4), they bring us life and peace both now and throughout eternity (Colossians 3:1).

Give us Your vision of Your Kingdom (Matthew 6:9-10), so that we will make its growth our mission for our life. We want to bring as many people to Heaven as we can, in order for them to spend eternity with us in Your presence, and in service to our King Jesus. Help us to develop a heavenly mindset now, so that we can stay focused on You during all the days of our life.

Thought for the Day:
By understanding our resurrected position, hidden with Christ in God, we realize that our old carnal nature is buried with Him, and we are raised to walk in His new life within us; we are already raised up and seated with Him in the heavenly realm.
- Ephesians 2:6