Monday, September 2, 2019

A Fulfilling and Vibrant Life

gray road path surrounded with green trees

The heavens have no words to speak, or sound to make; yet, their voice is heard all over the earth as they sing the glories of God. His sun rises and sets at equal intervals day after day, proclaiming His faithfulness, and nothing is ever deprived of its warmth (Psalm 19:3-6).

With every dawn that emerges and splays across the sky, I crave a deeper intimacy with our Father God. I trust in His loyal love, and my heart rejoices in the salvation that He affords for each of us. His bounty is everlasting (Psalm 13:5-6).

The Lord truly is our Rock, our Fortress and our Deliverer. We take refuge in Him as our Shield, our Stronghold and the Horn of our Salvation. We call to the Lord who is worthy of all of our praise, and He saves us through every negative aspect in life, which we experience (Psalm 18:1-3).

We eagerly wait for the Lord, more than a night watchmen wait for the morning light. We plant our hope in His Word, and His unfailing love brings joy to our soul. As we seek His Kingdom first, He gives us all of the honor, wealth, power and might that we need to serve Him at our best.

Although we experience deprivation and neglect in this life, and even the simplest of tasks is often a challenge - nothing is ever easy, when we call on the name of the Lord, He works out every issue for our ultimate good.

We live fulfilling and spiritually vibrant lives, regardless of our circumstances (Jeremiah 29:11). We take courage in times of fear and grief, because Christ abides within us no matter where we live, what our vocation is, or how many years God grants us to live on this earth.

Father God, You long to be gracious to Your children, and You show compassion on everyone on the whole earth. Help us to recognize the opportunities that You provide for us to testify to others about who You are, what You do for us, and what You long to do for anyone who believes in You (1 Chronicles 16:8-9).

Nothing is ever easy in life, but in the center of Your will for us, everything is always sweet, adventurous and conquerable. We give thanks to Your name and call on You each moment of every day. We could never finish singing Your praises, because You bless us continually throughout the day.

Thought for the Day:
Even the heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of His hands; day after day they are a testimony to His goodness, and night after night they prove His existence.

- Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1-2