Tuesday, September 24, 2019

God is Worthy of Our Praise

landscape photography of body of water against mountain

Creation rejoices, because our Lord God reigns. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. He takes vengeance on His enemies, and He blesses those who bless Him. His lightning lights up the sky, and His thunder trembles the earth   (Psalm 97:1-4).

Everyone who erects an idol and man-made gods are put to shame by His righteous (Psalm 97:5-7). Our God is the Most High God over all the earth, and is exalted over everything we use in our life to take His place (Psalm 97:8-9).

He calls us to hate evil, and He guards the lives of His faithful Saints. His light continually shines on the righteous and His joy envelops the upright in heart. We rejoice in the Lord and praise His holy name to the ends of the earth. His judgements are true and equitable (Psalm 97:10-12).

The mountains will melt like wax before Him, because He is the Lord of all the earth. We see His glory in the heavens as they proclaim His power and majesty with every sunrise and sunset. Praise bursts from our lips and we sing Him a new song (Psalm 98:1).

God does marvelous things, and His right hand and holy arm provide us with victory over every trial. His love and faithfulness to Israel give us confidence that He will keep His promises to us as well - our salvation is secure in Him (Psalm 98:1-3).

The Lord is good, and His love and faithfulness endure through every generation. We know that our Lord is God, because He made us, and we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. We enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, giving thanks to Him as we praise His name (Psalm 100:3-5).

Father God, we live in praise to You, and we make music on instruments and with singing. The sea, the earth and the heavens, as well as every creature in them sing Your praises. Even the rivers clap their hands and the mountains sing together with joy before You (Psalm 98:4-8).

You are our great King, and the nations tremble before You. You are exalted over every nation in all the earth, as well as enthroned between the cherubim in Your Holy Place. We praise Your great and awesome name and exalt You as we worship at Your footstool, because of Your holiness, justice and equity. (Psalm 99:1-5).

Thought for the Day
When we call on the Lord, He answers us and forgives us in the same way that He spoke to the Saints of Israel, and we exalt he Lord and worship Him, because He is holy (Psalm 99:6-9); we worship Him with gladness, and shout for joy to Him with continual praises on our lips (Psalm 100:1-2).