Tuesday, September 10, 2019

God Will Repay

selective focus photography of butterfly on purple petaled flower

A startling discovery in God's Word is His promise to repay us for each good work that we perform (Ephesians 6:8). God is the source of our paycheck, not our employer. He blesses our employer in order to bless us.

God gave us our job. The company may fire us, or reduce our hours or our salary at any moment; therefore, we cannot trust in people to supply our needs. God tells us not to worry one bit about having enough to eat or clothes for our body.

God will supply all of our needs through His glorious riches (Matthew 6:31-34). If we concern our self with finite, earthly issues, our stress level will increase and cause all sorts of health-related problems.

Our possessions really have no bearing on our status, esteem or fulfillment in this life (Psalm 49:16-17; Proverbs 23:4-5). God is extremely capable of giving us everything that we need to live the life that He pre-ordained for each one of us (Ephesians 2:10).

As we put God's Kingdom's work on the top of our priority list, we find success, serenity and a joy-filled existence. We no longer find our self stuck in a dead-end job, with monotony stripping our soul of every vestige of joy.

Walking, living and working in the center of God's will for us is the happiest place on earth. We may not be able to observe the difference we are making in people's lives, but we will reap God's rewards both now and in eternity.

Sometimes, it is so easy to get discouraged and to give up, but God will repay our efforts to walk in obedience to His Spirit's direction for each moment of our day (Matthew 6:19-21). He is worthy of all of our trust, gratitude and praise.

Father God, You exhort us not to work hard only when the boss is watching, and then goof off the rest of the time. You desire that we cheerfully and diligently work all the time, because You are our real employer. Your Word promises that a workman is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7).

If we are faithful to our calling that You entrusted us to perform, we know without a doubt that You will provide for all of our needs. Help us to trust You to supply abundantly more than we can ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20), and to never forget that it is You that provides our paycheck. Remind us to do our best at whatever You give us to do and to praise You for Your abundant supply.

Thought for the Day:
We have no need to feel anxious about anything in this life, because God will take care of all of our needs today, as well as in all of our tomorrows; even when circumstances look bleak and our faith wavers, God will prove Himself faithful to us in every way.
- Philippians 4:6, 19; Romans 8:28