Thursday, September 19, 2019

God Rejoices over Us

rock formations in body of water

We often harden our hearts to the voice of the Lord. Disappointment, disillusionment and discouragement suck the life right out of our soul. We are weary and discouraged of fighting in the battle of life in this sin-cursed world.

Trials meet us everywhere we turn and we attempt to overcome them in our own strength. Even when we experience the wondrous provision of God in our life, we quickly forget all of His benefits, and we fail to enter into a life of rest and contentment (Psalm 95:8-11).

The remedy for this negative lifestyle is to spend our time constantly singing praises to God's name, as we proclaim His glory, provision and salvation to anyone who will listen. We sing a new song to Him with the fruit of our lips (Psalm 96:1-3).

God is great, and worthy of our praise. He deserves our reverence and honor more than anything or anyone else in our life. As Creator, His splendor and majesty are constantly surrounding us (Psalm 96:4-6; Romans 1:20).

The earth is firmly established, and our safety is found only in His sanctuary. The whole earth is glad in Him: the seas resound, the fields jubilantly flourish, the trees of the forests sing for joy, and all of creation rejoices before Him (Psalm 96:11-13).

As we serve God in His presence, He calls us to give Him credit where glory is due to Him. Worshipping Him in the splendor of His holiness, we proclaim that He reigns over all of the earth. He evaluates our life with righteous judgment and without partiality (Psalm 96:7-10).

God delights in us, loves us as His own, and cherishes us - not because of our words and behavior, but He loved us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). He overlooks our performance, and He sanctifies our preferences, because He calls us to a life of obedience and devotion to Him and His Kingdom.

Father God, You are looking for those who will obey You, not for those who are successful in this world. Regardless of how much we weigh, what subdivision or inner city row house we live in, or what position we hold in our vocation, You unconditionally love us. We are enough for You, because of Christ in us. We love You with our whole heart, mind, will and strength (Matthew 22:37).

You lavish us with Your love and call us as Your Children (1 John 3:1), rejoicing over Your relationship with us and drawing us ever closer to Your heart each moment of every day. Help us to walk in Your Spirit, to cherish all of Your precepts, and to share Your love with those we meet during the divine moments that You arrange for us each day.

Thought for the Day:
God relieves our anxiety by quieting us with His love, and He takes great delight in His Saints as He rejoices over us with singing; His love and faithfulness know no bounds, and His righteousness and justice flourish.
- Zephaniah 3:17; Psalm 36:5-6