Saturday, September 28, 2019

God Blesses our Sons and Daughters

lush grass field photo during golden hour

The hardest "job" and ministry in the world is motherhood. We carry our child for nine months, giving them sustenance from our own body. Then, labor and delivery can take hours, or even days, depending on complications.

When our toddler falls, we rush to their side to make sure they are not hurt; when our preschooler scrapes a knee, we supply a cleanser, ointment and a bandage, which we carefully stock for just such an occasion.

As young sportsmen and women, they open themselves up to broken bones, internal wounds and head injuries, but we nurse them back to health. Then, as teens, the dangers multiply as they learn to drive and fling themselves out into the flow of traffic.

Choosing a mate and starting a family, our child is in danger of a broken heart, a miserable relationship, or the loss of their loved one. Yet, our mother's heart keeps beating through every ordeal, and we cry our self to sleep at even the thought of our little lamb suffering pain or injury.

With our finite abilities, we cannot really protect our children in the trials of life. However, as we turn them over to God in prayer, He puts His angels in charge over them, and gives them the opportunity to run into the shelter of His wings (Psalm 91). He blesses our offspring into thousands of future generations (Exodus 34:7).

Tragically, many of our children reject the God of their youth, and they suffer needless tragedies in this sin-cursed world. They do not heed the counsel of their parents, or Biblical precepts and teachings. They attempt to forge their own way through life.

This compounds the anxious thoughts that our mother's heart fears for our child, regardless of how old they are. We are crushed by every disappointment, set-back and hardship that they suffer. Yet, we continually and faithfully lift them up in prayer to our faithful Heavenly Father.

Father God, we put our children into Your capable hands to work out Your will in each of their lives, and in their children's lives, and in future generations throughout the ages of time (Exodus 34:7). Draw every generation to You by Your love, and strengthen their inner being to be able to make a decision to accept Your irresistible saving grace on their behalf.

Bring them to their knees, so that they can call out to You in humility and surrender, desiring to do only Your will for their life. Reveal Yourself to them in no uncertain terms, so Satan can no longer deceive them with his lies, and keep them in bondage to his wickedness. Thank You for keeping them in health, allowing them to prosper, and removing the blinders from their eyes, so that they can look fully into Your face.

Thought for the Day:
We trust that God will open the eyes of our children's understanding, so they can repent of their sins, believe in Jesus as the ONLY way and truth and life, and call on the name of the Lord to be saved; this way they will reap all of His benefits and bless His holy name.
- Romans 10:13; John 14:6; Psalm 103:2