Thursday, September 26, 2019

Surrendering to God's Spirit

red roses

God is calling us to know for a fact, and to personally experience for our self, the love of Christ, which exceeds head knowledge without heart-felt experience. He is ready to fill us with the richest measure of His presence within us (John 14:16, 20, 23).

He wants to transform us by His Holy Spirit into a body completely filled and flooded with His Trinity (Ephesians 3:19, Amplified Bible). The Spirit moves into our newly, Born Again spirit at the moment of Justification, and He starts cleaning up our act.

This means that He purposefully enters us - body, soul and spirit - with the objective of making a conquest of our life through the process of Sanctification. This means, “to become holy.” Without surrendering to the Spirit’s invasion, we never mature in our spiritual walk.

God's Spirit wants to establish His authority over our carnality, and at the same time to conquer for the Lord all of the unconsecrated areas in our life. He infiltrates our soul with the intention of winning our heart for the Lord - from one stage of glory to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Otherwise, we remain carnally-minded and live in spiritual vacillation, like a yoyo spinning up and down on one track of string. The Spirit intends to vigilantly continue to defeat every ungodly area of our mind, will and emotions as we relinquish control to Him.

Due to past experiences, we may harbor an unfounded fear that God is untrustworthy. However, God's love is so powerful and immense, that it is only by living through repeated trials in our life that we come to trust God to fight for us and to bring us through these conflicts as victors.

Father God, at times, we agree to read the Bible, pray and fellowship with Believers only until something else comes along that takes our attention away from spiritual things. We walk on the edge of the wider road of worldly pursuits and partake in every activity that happens to entice us away from walking the straight and narrow road with You.

This malady is a heart-rending reality that keeps us from experiencing for our self the fullness of Your life within us. Teach us to grasp and to understand the depth of Your love for us, so that we may accept and cooperate with Your sanctifying work in our lives, which means eliminating our carnal nature and desires, and replacing all of our harmful thought processes with holy ones.

Thought for the Day:
If we walk in the flesh, then the Spirit of God is not in us; and if we do not have the Spirit, then we are not Born Again, and we do not belong to God; yet, once the Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in us, then the Spirit will also give life to our mortal bodies.
- Romans 8:9-10